We are in the process of forming the Retired Racehorse Charitable Trust which will look after all racehorses throughout their retirement. .
Bay of Plenty
Billy Bogangles is a retired racehorse. Based in Tauranga Billy had a tree fall on him in the recent strong winds. He has received an injury to his forehead just above the eye. He has received veterinarian care and been on penicillin and pain relief but the injury has not improved. Several vets have been involved and consulted including vets from Tauranga and Cambridge and surgeons from Matamata and Hong Kong. Xrays have now been taken and there was no fracture found.
Billy is well in himself and still get a bit excited at feed time, he has put on condition since the injury and when let out to graze he still kicks up his heels like a two year old. The next stage is to take him to Matamata were the surgeons will operate and take a closer look at the injury. With a good clean out of the affected area the prognosis is good and Billy should make a full recovery. His a great horse with a very good nature. A very bold jumper Billy still has a lot to offer in his retirement.
Funds to be used for the veterinary cost for Billy's recovery
Billy's ongoing vet costs 25 January 2021
Billy is still having discharge from his wound. We have tried many medications but because of the positin of the wound on his forehead above the eye it seems that it can't drain naturally and so the infection keeps occurring. We now feel it is time for him to undergo surgery to clean out the infected area so that it can heal. Billy is still healthy and feeling good within himself. He still kicks up his heels like a 2 year old when let out to graze. A very good jumper he still has a lot to offer so we will continue and get him right.
Thanks so much Marnie your donation is really appeciated.