Birth Trauma Aotearoa

$220 donated
Given by 6 generous donors in one year

Birth Trauma Aotearoa - working for women, birth givers and whānau across Aotearoa


Birth Trauma Aotearoa is a new (as yet unregistered) charitable trust focusing on birth trauma and birth trauma here in Aotearoa.

Research tells us that 1 in 3 women/birth givers report their birth as traumatic, many more suffer physical injury during childbirth. These statistics need to change.

Birth Trauma Aotearoa is committed to:

- educating around birth trauma with an aim to reduce prevalence;

- advocating for improved support following birth trauma;

- research in to birth trauma in Aotearoa - what we measure we can manage;

- eventually, the co-ordination of support.

The effects of birth trauma/injury are far reaching and many, many whānau are impacted each day - Birth Trauma Aotearoa is dedicated to being a voice for women, birth givers and whānau.

Birth Trauma Aotearoa was established by Kate Hicks - the creator of Aotearoa's only birth trauma support website, My Birth Story (, which was launched in 2018. All of the costs associated with My Birth Story, and now Birth Trauma Aotearoa, have to date been paid by Kate personally.

Birth Trauma Aotearoa is guided by a Board of 6 experienced and skilled individuals.

As we finalise paperwork to become a registered charity we are accepting donations to continue, and increase, our work advocating for women, birth givers and whānau.

Kate Hicks' involvement (page creator)

Kate Hicks is the Founder of the My Birth Story birth trauma support website and, more recently, Birth Trauma Aotearoa - Birth Trauma Aotearoa will be the beneficiary of the funds

Use of funds

Day-to-day expenses - phone, internet, printing

Website development - creation, hosting, domain

Latest donations

Jemma on 09 Jun 2022
Such an worthy cause. Happy to help out ❤
Karen on 15 May 2022
Kia ora, beautiful wahine doing the mahi, all the best, keep up the great work.
Liz on 08 May 2022
Kia kaha Kate a Dye Kia kaha Kate and team
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 May 2022
awesome kaupapa!
Geoff on 07 May 2022

Who's involved?

Kate Hicks's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Kate Hicks on behalf of Birth Trauma Aotearoa
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This campaign started on 6 May 2022 and ended on 6 May 2023.