Bless the Ikpe family in time of mourning

$320 of $7,360 goal
Given by 5 generous donors in 4 weeks

Enable mission family to meet funeral and mortuary costs for their mum/grandma back home.


In October 2020 Nnamdi, his wife Meriam, and their two boys, Chimdike and Chidubem received the sad news that his mum had passed away in their homeland, Nigeria. Nnamdi and Meriam have been working in Christian ministry in Southeast Asia for eight years. Their work in education and development has been entirely dependent upon a small group of supporters.

Confronted with problems regarding the land to be used as a burial plot in their home village and the challenge of covering funeral expenses, the family have had to delay the funeral and burial. Compounded by grief and separation from loved ones, the last three months have been very difficult for Nnamdi and Meriam as they’ve sought to resolve these issues.

Nnamdi and Meriam are not seeking to return for the funeral but are asking for help to cover the costs of mortuary fees and basic funeral expenses. If you are able to contribute a financial gift to enable their family bring closure to this period of loss, stress and protracted grieving, your support would be hugely appreciated.

I (Richard Smith) have had the privilege of working alongside them both in teacher training and professional development and can vouch for their integrity and their extraordinary service among the people of Cambodia.

Richard Smith's involvement (page creator)

I (Richard Smith) am a friend of the Ikpes and worked alongside them for the same organisation in Cambodia, where they currently live.

Use of funds

mortuary costs, burial and funeral expenses, transportation, rentals and venue, food provisions, processing of government/legal documents. In the event of excess funds, these will be used to help care for the Ikpe's elderly father, husband of the deceased.

Latest donations

Private Donor
Private Donor on 27 Jan 2021
Lydia on 27 Jan 2021
Private Donor
Private Donor on 25 Jan 2021
Monica on 19 Jan 2021
Bless you guys in this hard time.
Richard Smith

Thanks so much M&M! You guys are awesome!

Richard Smith
Kirstie on 14 Jan 2021

Who's involved?

Richard Smith's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Richard Smith on behalf of Nnamdi and Meriam Ikpe
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This campaign started on 13 Jan 2021 and ended on 12 Feb 2021.