Blue Ice Logistics Incident

$2,291 donated
Given by 65 generous donors in 22 days

This Give a Little Page has been set up for Owner Paul Stone of blue ice logistics and his driver Jordan

Bay of Plenty

As a fellow young truck driver once I heard the story from a fellow truckie my heart sank. Then the media started reporting on it.

For those of you that aren't aware of what I am talking about, see the link below:

Even though I don't know Jordan personally, I know Paul very well and have worked with him for numerous years. Both guys have been hard done by and not only deserve compensation for the incident, but also an easy sleep at night knowing that the whole trucking community is behind them which is why I started this page.

Use of funds

The funds are not only about the monetary value, but also knowing that the entire trucking community is behind these 2 fellow truckies.

The money will be split between Paul and Jordan to maybe take a nice holiday and get away from the drama or fix the rig should that be any insurance issues. It's completely up to them!!

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Latest donations

Ben josephs
Ben josephs on 14 Jul 2017
Hope this helps it's all I can give right now
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 14 Jul 2017
Sorry its not more but there is lots of support for you both and families.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 13 Jul 2017
BIL 16
BIL 16 on 13 Jul 2017
Trevor Spark
Trevor Spark on 12 Jul 2017
Got to help out fellow Truckies

Who's involved?

Paul Stone's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Paul Stone
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This campaign started on 9 Jul 2017 and ended on 31 Jul 2017.