Boat explosion leaves our friend with nothing

$0 donated
Started 5 years ago

Raising money to help a friend who lost his home when his boat exploded.


Hey guys,

Some of you may have seen in the news our family friend and Herald Island local Mike Lawler's boat blew up from an LPG leak just off Herald Island. He suffered serious burns and is now recovering from this horrific ordeal. This was Mike's home and without it he has been left with nothing.

Unfortunatley he isn't insured and is now looking at an estimate of $10000 just to remove the boat from the seabed so it doesn't drift and do further damage.

On top of a long road to recovery and finding somewhere to live, he doesn't need the stress of trying to pay for the Bill's headed his way. Any money raised would be a greatly appreciated in help him as he isn't in a financial position to pay these huge costs :(

Thanks in advance!

Samantha Fels' involvement (page creator)

Family friend

Use of funds

Funds raised will be used for the recovery of the boat and to help Mike get back on his feet

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Who's involved?

Samantha Fels's avatar
Created by Samantha Fels
Michael Lawler's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Michael Lawler on behalf of Mike Lawler
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This campaign started on 29 Jul 2018 and ended on 29 Aug 2018.