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Bonnie's new legs!

on 26 Sep 2016

Luda asks

Hi Jodi,

I would love to help Bonnie. I've signed up for the Auckland Marathon which will take place on 30 October and would like to use it to raise money for Bonnie.

Can you please call on 021646371 to discuss how we can take it forward and learn a bit more about Bonnie and the operation.

Many thanks


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on 14 Jul 2016

John asks

My name is John Burrell,

16 years and 6 months ago I had a bad work accident falling over 10meters landing upside down on my head. My neck was broken in three places, three, four and five level. The bones went across the sideways and cut my spinel cord in the neck 2 thirds through leaving 2 millimeters left. My whole body is paralyzed with no feeling, only arms move and able to talk. Much spasm and pain 24 hours. Able to sit up four hours maximum with pain pills. 24 hours care hands and fingers closed right up. 6 days physio and only got arms moving up and down. I also wish I could walk with my wife and grand-children but told it will never happen.

I feel sorry for Bonnie and would like to donate one hundred dollars to help, Good Luck Bonnie And all my love to you. XXX.


Wow John sounds like you have been through a lot! thank you for sharing your story. We are very thankful to you for your donation as without the help of everyone it wouldn't even be possible . You have brought a tear to my eye with your generosity, especially under your own circumstances. I wish you all the best.

Thanks again

Karen (Bonnie's mum)

Jodi Watson

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