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Books for Syrian Refugees

$2,245 donated
Given by 40 generous donors in around 4 months

I'm Sophia Brown, I am 14 and want to raise money for books for Syrian refugees in camps in Lebanon and take them there in October


I am 14 and in Year 9 at Upper Hutt College. I am going to the Middle East in September and October, with my Grandma and Auntie. I have seen about the refugees from the war in Syria on the internet and in the news and how many of the kids haven't been able to go to school for a long time. I feel like the least I could do is help other kids have an education and have something feel normal for them.

We are working with an organisation in Lebanon that helps refugees through education and support and want to take supplies directly to them. The NGO have requested class sets of books in English to be used for teaching and other things like dictionaries. These will be taken by me, my Aunt and grandma (who are teachers) directly to the refugee camps. We are not taking a container so any money donated to pay for more stuff than we can fit in our suitcases (approx 100kg) will be used for later donations.

Please look at the NGOs site to find out more.


Disclaimer (from Sophia's Mum Ana) : None of the money raised will be used to fund travel or personal expenses. All monies will go to purchase books, all donations made after leaving date will be used to send more books or will be donated directly to the NGO. Also thanks for all the support from The Children's Bookshop in Wellington

Sophia Brown's involvement (page creator)

Everyone should care about other people and try to help others if they can. We are not affiliated with any religious or political group. We are merely filling our suitcases with as much as we can fit and will donate any other money we receive to the NGO in the link, either as books or money.

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Radio New Zealand National Interview  26 October 2015

On October 11 we were interviewed on the radio! You can listen to us here: http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/sunday/audio/201774133/lucy-bailey-and-sophia-brown-delivering-books-to-refugees

We forgot to say that the books were great as Lebanese schools teach a lot of their lessons either in English or French. The schools for refugees we visited all teach in English. I can't imagine having to learn maths and science etc in a foreign language!

If you'd like to help us out with seeds, that would be awesome. We're not sure which seeds we'll send as we need to find out what will grow best in the tiny plots of land in the camps. We'll let you know.

And keep giving generously...the camps in the Beka'a Valley really need a school after their one burnt down and they need money to build it.

Thanks everyone!

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Elizabeth King
Elizabeth King on 21 Nov 2015
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Oct 2015
Aunty Em
Aunty Em on 11 Oct 2015
You were awesome on the radio this morning Sophia (and Lucy). So proud of you. xxxx from us.
Pat on 11 Oct 2015
Great work Sophie. I cannot believe landlords make the refugees pay rent.
The Jahnes
The Jahnes on 10 Oct 2015
You are an inspiration Sophia! Your aunty Lucy and Nana too. Taking action on behalf of others when things are right is something we should all strive to do. Kia kaha!

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Sophia Brown's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sophia Brown on behalf of Refugees in camps in Lebanon
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This campaign started on 4 Sep 2015 and ended on 30 Dec 2015.