Brave young Man fighting for his life! Please DONATE or SHARE

$5,720 donated
Given by 39 generous donors in around 6 months

An honest attempt to raise funds to help support my nephew and his family get through the next 2-3 years fighting Leukemia.


My 14 year old nephew Brodie is in the the biggest fight of his life!

Brodie was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia on the 4th June and since that unforgettable day, Tracey and Paul and their family have had their world turned upside down.

Since his diagnosis Tracey and Brodie have been in Melbourne; Paul, Jess and Tayla are travelling between Korumburra and RCH and the new norm is so different for them all. Brodie is currently undergoing extensive chemo treatment, platelet and blood transfusions, many procedures, bone marrow biopsy's, IV's, antibiotics, white blood cell count, neutrophils, a whole new vocabulary and a whole new world.

Our loving Community have been offering various forms of assistance in supporting Brodie and his gorgeous family, while Brodie is undergoing his leukaemia treatment. Preparing meals, baking, prayers, calls, texts, donations which have all been overwhelmingly accepted and appreciated already.

If anyone is interested, a bank account has been set up that can support our little mate and his family for on-going expenses that they will face during Brodie's treatment. Feel free to make a donation, no matter how small it would be very much appreciated and share this page with your community. Thank you all so much in advance.

Clint Gollop's involvement (page creator)

Brodie is my 14 year old nephew. He has an older sister Tayla and identical twin brother Jesse.

Use of funds

The funds will go towards specialist healthcare and also support for the immediate family so they can be together through this tough time.

Latest update

11/08/22 update from Brodieโ€™s mum  11 August 2022


Brodes is going along ok. Had a very ordinary few days and has been unwell. Hope we can get on top of it soon.

Next few weeks will be tough but then hopefully after that he can start to feel better again. Just taking each day really.

Thank you everyone for your support

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Latest donations

Sue on 10 Sep 2022
Tenaia on 26 Aug 2022
Wishing you hope and strength xx
Clint Gollop

Thank you Tenaia, your support and kindness is much appreciated ๐Ÿ™

Clint Gollop
Julia on 16 Aug 2022
From Aunty Julia
Clint Gollop

Thank you Julia, very much appreciated ๐Ÿ™

Clint Gollop
David Calvert
David Calvert on 13 Aug 2022
Clint Gollop

Thank you David ๐Ÿ™

Clint Gollop
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 12 Aug 2022
Clint Gollop

๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™thank you

Clint Gollop

Who's involved?

Clint Gollop's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Clint Gollop on behalf of My Nephew Brodie Gollop in Australia
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This campaign started on 3 Aug 2022 and ended on 31 Jan 2023.