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Bring Jarron Home

  • Update about Jarron

      25 November 2018

    Since this page has been made, a few new things have come to light.

    We found out the real cause of his death.

    Jarrons Dad and step-mum went to Australia. The original plan was to bring Jarrons body back, but his parents found out that it was going to be at least a 6-8week wait for his body to get back to NZ. So due to the wait, it was decided that his funeral was going to be held in Numurkah, Australia and he was going to be cremated and brought home. So the service has already happened. The funds will now be used to help go towards the cost of the funeral and cremation.

    Jarron is now home with his family in NZ.

    Thank you all so so much for donating to help bring Jarron home ❤️❤️

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