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Bringing indigenous Elders together from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to Aotearoa.

  • Visa approved

      28 May 2024

    We received the happy news that Jimmy's follow-up visa application was approved, valid for a year, so we will look at the possibility of them visiting next year around February if we can raise the airfares again as they all have valid entry visas until then. Thanks, and watch this space!

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  • Additional information

      16 May 2024

    On their way to Aotearoa, the Elders and Jimmy transited through Chile where they had a stopover. Before boarding the final plane on their way here, Jimmy was interviewed by immigration NZ over the phone and via a phone translator, and his visa was instantly revoked. This meant that they all remained in Chile, as the Elders are not comfortable to travel internationally on their own. I submitted a follow up visa application, hoping that it would be approved in enough time for them to continue on their journey. However we are still waiting for the result of this second visa application. They now have commitments in their home territory and have had to return to Colombia. They waited as long as they could to see if they could come here. Their time in Chile was well spent, making important and fulfilling connections with indigenous networks, and the Elders were very happy to make these contacts. They are still keen to come here - once we get the result from the visa we can start making plans for the next trip, possibly in the summer. Although disappointing that they didn't make it all the way to NZ, we are viewing their journey as successful, positive and valuable. We have been in close contact throughout so I could make sure they were being well cared for in Chile which they absolutely were. I will be sending more funds for them to put towards the bridge project once they are back home. Please also see previous post. Thank you.

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  • Final update, thank you and goodbye for now

      13 May 2024

    Kia ora everyone, thank you all for your aroha and tautoko. The Kogi elders and Jimmy have spent 3 and a half weeks in Chile, waiting for Jimmy's new visa application to be accepted, and in the meantime they have had an incredible time and made some important connections. They were received with open arms at a centre for ancestral learnings in Santiago, where many indigenous leaders pass through, and they were graciously hosted there. They were able to meet other indigenous leaders and participate in ceremonies from Lakota, Andean and Amazon traditions. They also shared their teachings and healing ceremonies, and offered prayers at many important places in the natural landscape, including lakes, rivers, mountains and ocean. They are now returning to Colombia to make preparations for their upcoming new year celebrations in June, where they will hold dances and ceremonies in their village. We have been watching and feeling the energies and sharing our insights around this journey, and there are many positive aspects to their experience. They were still keen to come to Aotearoa, a 12 hour flight, even if it was for a week, until it was obvious that the days were running out and it was time for them to return home. Their courage and willingness to come to a distant land, and their dedication to make the journey is impressive, and a testament to the energy you have contributed to welcoming them here.

    They are feeling the aroha and intend to make the journey here when possible.

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      1 April 2024
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    TICKETS BOOKED! Now is the time to send a warm welcome to our Kogi whanau as they prepare to arrive here soon. The best way is to invite your selected contacts to send love/energy/support as a koha here. Why?

    There is no committee, there is no major sponsor or funder, it's just me.. and you, the collective of those who share this vision contributing a little bit each. Your koha directly connects you to the kaupapa of this journey, so be prepared for the blessings to come back your way. We thank you deeply to those who have already given generously with no expectations.

    These incredible earth wisdom keepers have intentionally preserved their culture and traditional way of life in their forested homeland, holding their particular world view sacred so they can care for our planet, uplifting and balancing globally - and now they are coming to Aotearoa!

    There will not be time or energy for them to meet all of you, however please know that they are here to connect with the people and the land here as a whole. I will be closely caring for them, taking them to visit some of our forests, beaches, waters and maunga, and I am so grateful for the organisational support received in the places we will be visiting.

    We all hold within our cells the memory of living in complete harmony with nature. It is time to re-awaken these memories and activate practices of earth guardianship into our daily lives as we re-configure our way of living on this planet.

    Nga mihi nui, Moira

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  • New travel dates

      14 March 2024

    Travel plans are in progress, exact dates to be confirmed, from around mid-April till early May. Please see Facebook page Between Worlds - Entre Mundos. There will be limited possibilities to sit with the elders, details will be posted once their travel tickets are booked and we can confirm a schedule. Thank you!

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  • Schedule shift

      18 February 2024

    Hi everyone, thank you for your patience and continued support. It seems that the timing of the Kogi elders' visit will be delayed somewhat. The visa application needed more details from them, they were out of contact in their distant mountain village, and were unwell, hence they didnt make their trip down the mountain at the expected time. They are now well and staying in their nearby territory. Jimmy will visit them soon and check in again to see if their guidance is still in alignment with a visit to Aotearoa sometime over the next few months.

    We are trusting spirit timing with this; so many times our ideas spark the impetus to initiate a project, and then divine timing takes over, to orchestrate things to flow regardless of our plans, for reasons that become apparent later.

    A later timeframe will allow more time to fundraise, and it may enable us to take them further than the original idea.

    I will wait to update further once we have some more news and clearer plans. In any case we have started things moving and we are greatly encouraged by the depth of feeling and welcoming about their journey here, so our thanks to you all.


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  • Collective Energy

      15 December 2023
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    A note about the group funding aspect. Yes, it would only take a few people to donate bigger sums to make this journey possible. However, it feels important, and aligned, for this event to be welcomed and supported by many; for the people to feel it, and all have a chance to contribute towards it with their energy i.e. money i.e. love. This means that you are directly connected energetically and therefore receive the gratitude and blessings back. What a beautiful exchange!

    See the previous updates for more background information, and I have posted a Facebook group link for sharing more information about the travel while the group is here, and any opportunities to meet and learn.

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  • Great progress! Thank you

      8 December 2023
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    Thank you all so much for your contributions so far, and for your messages of support. We are busy with the logistics of visas and airfares etc and are really encouraged by all your wishes of heartfelt excitement to be welcoming these delightful elders here to New Zealand. Please continue to share among your networks, as those aligned to this journey will be very pleased to learn of it.

    Thanks again, Moira and Jimmy

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  • Who are we? Quiénes somos? #2

      23 November 2023
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    This is Jaime Justino Correa Jaramillo, known as Jimmy, pictured here with Kogi children in their village. He is a theatrical and sculptural artist, working with communities on projects to do with local culture and the environment. He is also a cultural ambassador and facilitator. He has been working together with the Kogi people for decades, supporting them in numerous ways - he is currently working on a project to construct a safe bridge for crucial access to their mountain home. He is a part of an association called La Semilla de la Sierra which helps Kogi and indigenous youth. He has travelled with the Elders before, and takes great care of their needs and enjoyment, to make their journey safe and successful. He is very much looking forward to facilitating their trip here to New Zealand and looks forward to the visit.

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  • Quiénes somos? Who are we?

      22 November 2023
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    Hi, I'm Moira, this is me yesterday in my garden picking chamomile flowers for tea. Growing up in NZ, I liked the quietness of nature - travelling to South America, I soaked up the colourfulness of the cultures and diverse landscapes from jungle to mountains. I have stayed in touch with Jaime in Colombia since then, and when he travelled with the Kogi to Europe earlier this year, a glimmer of possibility was sparked. We asked them, they received the guidance to come, and now we are bringing them here, together with your help. They are preparing for the journey energetically. We have many connections here to make sure they can travel to the places that are calling them, and we will look after them with awareness of their needs. I've already planted more potatoes and corn in my garden to help feed them. We are mindful of their wellbeing, energy and intentions, and are facilitating these the best we can. We are very excited and so grateful for all of the help. Being a crowd-funded journey is also of significance; between many, we can achieve great things. Thank you all so much.

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  • A good start

      21 November 2023

    Thank you so much for your donations so far! We have a very short time to get funding so we can book airline tickets for February! If you support this initiative and haven't yet donated, please do so now, and share with your contacts. Already the signs and confirmations are appearing, this will be a very special occasion to link ancient tribes together here in Aotearoa.

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