First Q & A. Please feel free to PM me or ask more questions here.
*What is MS?
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that affects the nerves of the brain and the spinal cord. In people with MS the immune system attacks itself destroying part of the myelin sheath or nerve fiber and nerve impulses traveling to and from the brain and spinal cord are distorted or interrupted. This causes weakening and deteriorating of a wide range of bodily functions.
Symptoms can include:
problems with eyesight and vision, such as blurred or double vision, or pain behind the eye
muscle spasms (spasticity)
muscle or nerve pain such as tingling, stabbing or burning pains over parts of the skin
weakness or lack of coordination of the limbs
extreme tiredness or fatigue which can affect balance and concentration
bladder and bowel problems such as urinary retention and constipation
problems with sexual performance
speech and swallowing problems
mood swings and depression
thinking, concentration and memory problems.
*What is HSCT?
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) is a chemotherapy medical treatment effective in halting disease progression in neurologic autoimmune diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
*Is this a cure?
No. There is no current known cure for MS. This procedure resets your immune system and aims to halt progression of disease for 10+ years. For me this would make my kids teenagers rather than 3 and 6. The longer I can retain my mobility and vision the bet! The mortality rate for HSCT for MS has reduced in recent years to around 1%.
*Why Mexico?
HSCT is available in NZ for cancer patients but not MS. While it is likely to be available in NZ in the future, this will be too late for me to benefit.
People from all over the world are traveling to Mexico for this treatment where Clinica Ruiz has established itself as a safe and effective provider of this treatment. They have treated over 600 MS patients.
The procedure is also available in Russia and Singapore but Mexico is the best option for me for medical and practical reasons.
*What about when you get back?
The journey home will be all masks and sanitiser. Once I get back I'll be in quarantine at home for around 3 months. My kids will be able to be home as long as they are not sick but all other contact will be minimal for the first few months.
I cannot be in the garden, have plants inside, or swim in a pool/ sea/ river for 6 months. I must avoid dust and not clean the house myself for around 3 months.
To avoid food poisoning I will need to follow a 'clean' diet- oranges yes, apples no! Over the course of 2 years I'll need to get all my childhood vaccinations again. Overall recovery can be 1-2 years.