Brutally Attacked!

$2,025 donated
Given by 60 generous donors in 14 days

My lovely friend was attacked in her car and is now suffering with a brain injury.


Less than a month before Deni's 29th birthday she was brutally attacked in her car. She had just pulled up to the traffic lights when the unthinkable happened; someone entered her vehicle and started an onslaught!

This individual is unknown to Deni and she has no idea what provoked the assault. She was bashed in the head a number of times, resulting in a fractured eye socket and a devastating concussion. Scans were carried out at Christchurch Hospital and she was informed her brain was swollen and the level of concussion was the highest it could be. 4 days later her concussion remained at this level.

This assault occurred minutes from her home and has left her physically and mentally traumatised. Recovering from a brain injury can be a long road and there is no telling how long hers will be. Deni is desparate to get back to work but at this stage, doesn't know when her brain will be recovered enough to do so.

Deni is a kind, caring and brilliant woman who now has significant uncertainty in her future. But life still goes on. She has a mortgage to pay. Doctors appointments to attend. She is having to adapt to a new normal for at least the near future. It's a scary time.

She didn't ask for this. She didn't provoke the attack. She is now having to deal with the results of someone else's complete disregard for human life. We need to support her.

Alesha Rutledge's involvement (page creator)

Long term friends of 23 years.

Use of funds

Helping Deni to pay her bills so that she can maintain her independence.

Latest donations

Luke on 18 Jun 2020
Sorry this happened to you.
Sue on 16 Jun 2020
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Jun 2020
Michael on 13 Jun 2020
Peter on 12 Jun 2020

Who's involved?

Alesha Rutledge's avatar
Created by Alesha Rutledge
Deni Smart's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Deni Smart
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This campaign started on 8 Jun 2020 and ended on 22 Jun 2020.