Buller High School Literature Trip

$185 donated
Given by 4 generous donors in 4 weeks

We are fundraising for fourteen students from Buller High School, Westport, to travel to the UK to explore classic English literature.

West Coast

We are embarking on a great journey. In 2018, thirteen students, two teachers, and one parent from Buller High School are heading to England to explore classic English literature and Drama in the most authentic setting.

We will visit the old stomping grounds of The Brontes, Jane Austen, William Wordsworth and Charles Dickens. We’ll also have the opportunity to take part in professional workshops on the stage of Shakespeare’s Globe.

It will be the trip of a lifetime!

But it’s not just a little jaunt overseas. All of us are voraciously reading the classics (and a few “future classics”) in preparation for the trip. In addition, our learning contributes to a wide range of NCEA standards at all three levels.

Of course, a trip like this is expensive and there are only so many sausage sizzles and raffles you can run! If you enjoy reading our blogs and reviews, please consider making a donation to help with the journey. You can check out the blog on our "reading journey" here: https://amirroruptonaturecom.wordpress.com/

The overall cost of the trip is $6000 per student. This includes flights, accommodation, activities, all breakfasts, and other extras. We aim to reduce the total amount families have to pay with our fundraising efforts.

About us

We are a group of young bookworms from Buller High School in Westport, NZ. We are fundraising to travel to the UK to immerse ourselves in classic English literature in the most authentic setting possible.

Use of funds

All money donated will be used for airfares and accommodation for the students.

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Jun 2018
Private Donor
Private Donor on 15 Jun 2018
Good luck!
Lesley Marshall
Lesley Marshall on 15 Jun 2018
Always approve of bookworms!
Nubby on 14 Jun 2018
Miss Webber
Miss Webber on 14 Jun 2018
Have a glorious trip!

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Buller High School (School) on behalf of Buller High School Literature Group
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This campaign started on 14 Jun 2018 and ended on 14 Jul 2018.