Please can you help me to buy much needed hospital beds for a poor West African Hospital Clinic?
Burkina Faso is a very poor West African country which has great need, particularly in the rural areas. Local clinics provide the majority of the healthcare to the rural communities but are extremely under resourced. I, myself have volunteered in Burkina Faso 4 times; (3 times with a small NZ NGO in a nursing capacity from 2012 -2014). I have developed a strong admiration for these amazing resilient people and I have just recently returned from a month long trip which involved supporting widows in the small rural town of Bilanga. During this time I became aware of a severe shortage of hospital equipment in the small hospital clinic in Bilanga and especially so patient beds (see photos).
I will pass all funds over to Andre, a local university educated Burkinabe man. Andre assisted us with our work through language translation and helping us understand local customs and protocols when I first began volunteering in Burkina in 2012. Each time I have returned to Burkina, I have worked closely with Andre. I will transfer funds that have been donated to a separate bank account Andre manages for me in Burkina and he distributes the money for me obtaining receipts as required and photos as well. Andre has direct contact with nursing staff at the Bilanga clinic and we investigated how to source the beds and their price when I was in Bilanga in November last year.
I am totally committed to this cause as a NZ nurse who has seen firsthand the conditions and equipment the local Bilanga clinic nurses have to work with on a daily basis.
It only costs $115 NZD to fund one locally made good quality hospital bed that will last 10 years. ALL the money raised on this page will go towards buying as many new beds as we can!