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Burn Violence Survivors - Nepal

$3,170 donated
Given by 39 generous donors in over a year

We are working to support the vulnerable women and children who are suffering from burns violence and accidents, in Nepal.


Janaki Joshi spent 20 unhappy years in a marriage where she was subjected to relentless domestic violence. Her mother-in-law never liked her, manipulating her son so that often he would often return home in a drunken rage and physically attack Janaki. Her own parents became aware of the situation and filed a case against the husband which led to his imprisonment, but somehow he managed to get out.

In a despicable act of revenge in March 2016, her drunken husband poured kerosene on her private parts as she slept, setting her alight. The terrible act left her with third degree burns on 35% of her body. Her sister-in-law came to her aid, dousing the fire.

Initially, she was being treated at home with herbal medicines but as her wounds became infected she was taken to hospital. Her husband tried to murder her, again. But with the intervention of medical staff, he was arrested and once again sent to jail. Janaki was referred to Kathmandu where she is still receiving reconstructive surgeries.

Sadly, Janaki’s story is all too familiar. The incidence of burns violence in rural and isolated communities in Nepal has not abated and without the assistance of BVS-Nepal, these women would have little chance of recovery. BVS-Nepal pays for the treatment, psychological care, nutrition and rehabilitation. They operate on a shoe string with less than ten percent of any donation being used in administrative costs. There is no government funding and this charity needs our support.

Rosemary Heaton's involvement (page creator)

I'm volunteering as an expat Kiwi. We have always had a special relationship with Nepal and if ever a charity needed our support, this is it. We abhor domestic violence but burns violence is taking it to another horrific level. BVS-Nepal has mainly relied on UK for their funding but this has been reduced overnight by 15% with BREXIT, and the 2015 earthquake has diverted much needed funds for earthquake reconstruction. The burns violence and burns accidents, have not, however, diminished.

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Three months on...........  29 September 2016

My sincere thanks to all who have contributed to this very worthwhile cause. I have been blown away by your generosity; especially as donations have come from the UK, USA, Canada,and New Zealand. The words 'thank you' seem so inadequate. I would love to report that our work is over - job done! Sadly this is not the case. Only last week one of our people died in hospital from complications from her burns and the truth as to whether it was suicide or burns violence died with her. She was pregnant and leaves behind two other young children who we will look out for. The burns accidents haven't abated either and despite our efforts with public information, will increase as the temperatures cool and open fires become more prevalent. I was devastated to meet a 25 day old baby who had 3rd degree burns to 25% of her body. It was touch and go for awhile there but she made it! Although we will support her, she will be back and forward for operations for years to come, it was a huge relief when she was discharged. Her burns were caused by a falling candle onto her bed clothes which of course were not inflammable. We are working with the vulnerable and it is heart breaking to realise many of the issues have poverty as the root cause. On a more positive note, next week is the beginning of Dashain which is a fifteen day Hindu Festival, similar to our Christmas. We are holding a fair for our burns violence survivors and our burns accidents children. Many of the former are isolated from their families so we are able to give them a sense of community. Some of your donations will go towards this event as they will be given a small gift of celebration. There is so much work to be done and all on a shoestring. Please spread the word to others. Any small monetary donation to this website can make a huge difference to our vulnerable survivors.

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Rosemary Heaton on behalf of Burns Violence Survivors - Nepal
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This campaign started on 4 Jul 2016 and ended on 31 Dec 2017.