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Caidens Dream Trip To Blueys World!

  • Devastating News

      12 September 2024
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    We hoped that we would never have to make an update like this. We always thought that if anyone could beat this cancer that Caiden would. We hoped, we wished & we prayed for him to be able to keep fighting this cancer with quality of life until a cure was found for him 😢

    Sadly yesterday it was confirmed that Caidens tumour is progressing. There is no further treatment options available for him, so all we can do is keep him comfortable until he takes his next journey ahead of us. A journey that no child should have to take alone ahead of their parents.

    Caiden has spent some time in hospital recently for severe head pain & for severe tiredness. We now have his head pain under control with daily morphine, dexamethasone & other pain relief. It was awful seeing him in so much pain & not being able to help him 😢 His eye is now turning inwards because of the tumour growth which is sad to see.

    We still hope Caiden gets to Blueys world, but it's looking like he may never get to fufill that wish which breaks our hearts even more.

    We have been spoiling this boy with everything that makes him happy, including a huge amount of Bluey toys that he received yesterday. We will continue to fill his days with love, happiness & bringing as much of his wishes & dreams to him in every way possible.

    We are still holding onto that glimmer of hope that he will continue to be the miracle he has always been.

    Please don't stop praying for our boy. He needs all the prayers he can get right now 🙏

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    • 16/09/2024 by Robby

      Such a heartbreaking post to read. My heartfelt love to you all thru this difficult & sad journey.

      I will keep praying for Caiden (as I do each day) that he will get strong enough to experience his Dream of going to Blueys World. I know God is surrounding you thru this time with arms of love & strength & encouragement. My thoughts & prayers. With love Robby

    • 16/09/2024 by Maren

      Hi Caiden, thinking of you and your beautiful family everyday, sending you all tons of love.

  • Keeping you all in the loop

      7 August 2024
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    Hey everyone,

    Thank you for your continued love, support and donations. Because we have been gifted accommodation for 4 days from Tourism Queensland and airfares from Air New Zealand for Caidens trip to Blueys World, I would just like to let you all know what we intend to do with the funds raised since some things have been gifted.

    We will be extending our holiday to Queensland by another 7 days, so we will need to pay for accommodation for those extra days. Along with the extra accommodation costs we will also need to pay for car hire, daily activities, food, gifts for the kids that they may like to buy over there, and we are also going to do a few smaller adventures leading up to the November Bluey holiday. We have booked a trip to Rotorua so that Caiden can experience Wingspan down there! He is so excited to get up close and personal with some more birds there!

    Rest assured all funds are being used to create memories and fulfill Caidens wishes.

    Again thank you for all the love you continue to show for Caiden and our family ❤️ We are so lucky to have you all as our village x

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    • 12/08/2024 by Maren

      Hi Caiden, I hope you and your family have the best time making memories and having heaps of fun. Much love to you and your family. Thinking of you all.

    • 12/08/2024 by Robby

      Have lots of fun on the trips your mum & dad have planned for you in the coming weeks. I hope you will post some photos of the awesome experiences you will all enjoy together. Lots love to you all. Have just the best time. 💛🐨

  • WOW!

      4 August 2024
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    We can't believe it!!! We can't believe that our beautiful boys wish to go to Blueys world will be coming true thanks to all of you beautiful people! 💜 Thanks to Air New Zealand and Queensland Tourism and Events for gifting us our flights, accommodation etc as well! 💕

    There are no words that can describe how thankful we are for all of your donations. Your love, support and kindness is felt deep within our hearts 💕

    Thank you for being our village 💙 Thank you for allowing our sons dream to come true ♥️

    Sending love from our family to yours 🥰

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  • Thank You

      28 July 2024
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    Thank you to everyone for all your messages, love, kindness, donations and support ❤️

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  • MRI Day For Caiden Today

      24 July 2024
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    Firstly I'd just like to thank you all for your kind thoughtful messages, posts and comments for Caidens MRI he had today.

    The oncologist is waiting for the official MRI report tomorrow as she said the images are quite tricky to read this time. Caiden has 2 new areas of cyst in his tumour that have appeared, so now has 3 cysts in total. She said that makes measuring quite tricky. But she did say looking at the tumour that it looks like it measures reasonably the same size as last time. So we just hope the report reflects the same as her thoughts. There is a thicker highlighted rim on the tumour which she said is hard to know what it is exactly. Could be radiation necrosis, could be tumour progressing. She said only time will tell. They look at how Caiden presents rather than what an MRI tells them, as true progression will be very apparent in how he presents. She is very happy with how he is looking and was very impressed at his running and energy levels today.

    I asked the dreaded question today. I asked what options we have left in terms of radiation if Caidens tumour starts to progress again.

    Sadly there is no further options that they have from here if his tumour progresses. A person can only receive 2 rounds of radiation therapy in a lifetime. That was a very hard pill to swallow -Zero, nothing, absolutely nothing they can do to give him more time or save him once things decline again. I cried many silent tears on our drive home today.

    Still hoping for that miracle.

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    • 29/07/2024 by Kathleen

      Praying for Caiden and his wonderful family 💙❤️💙❤️

  • Caiden is still excited to see Blueys World

      4 July 2024
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    Hey everyone

    We just wanted to let you know that Caiden is still battling cancer like the superhero he is! We have had a few worrying moments here and there with regards to his balance, tiredness in his legs, and increase in drooling and slurred speech sometimes.... but he seems to have perked up again the last few days. We are living in such an awful world of the unknown, and anticipatory grief is something that hovers over us so heavy.

    Caiden is in the position where he could have puesedoprogression after radiation. He had this after his first round of radiation at about 3 months post treatment, until about 8 months post therapy. Puesedoprogression mimics tumour progression and then subsides over time. We hope that is is all it is. If it is not puesedoprogression it could be tumour progression, or it could just be a bump in his journey. That's the thing with DIPG.. not even the professionals have clear cut answers. It's all just a wait and see and hope for all of us.

    In the meantime we are still making memories, and planning all of Caidens dreams for the future. Blueys world is something he is very excited about, so we really hope he gets to visit in November.

    Caiden will be restarting a drug to target one of his cancer mutations again hopefully next week. We will be introducing other medication to help reduce the side effects that he had the last time we started and had to discontinue.

    We thank you all for your kindness, empathy, love and support ❤️

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