Help with the ongoing care costs after Auckland Hospital left a Father and Husband with brain damage from a morphine overdose.
Dargaville, Northland
Support for the Flood family with ongoing care of their Husband and Father, Trevor Flood, after Auckland Hospital gave Trevor an overdose of morphine that left him with brain damage.
You can read more about what happened here:
And read the Human Rights Tribunal Review outcome here:
This happened over 5 years ago and Trevor has slowly declined since, he is no longer able to work and needs carers daily. His wife Kylie is his main carer.
The case was referred to the Human Rights Review Tribunal and Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora was found that they failed Trevor by failing to provide services with reasonable care and skill, and failing to provide services in a manner that minimised potential harm to, and optimised the quality of life.
Unfortunately due to this tragic incident the Flood family have been left to pick up the pieces and Trevor will need ongoing care for the rest of his life.
Family Friend
The money will be used to help care for Trevor's ongoing care costs (such as loss of income for example) as his cognitive health continues to decline.
Thank you so much for your support Malcolm!
Thank you Jessica, your support is very much appreciated!
Thank you so much Cath! Very much appreciated.
Ngā mihi David! Thanks so much for your support!
Thank you for your support and blessings! So very much appreciated.