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Hope and a new life for the prostitute girls of Mozambique

$10,300 of $5,000 goal
Given by 14 generous donors in 6 weeks

I've been called to work with women & young girls in Prostitution in Mozambique to bring hope, healing, & offer training in new vocations.


God has placed a burden and love for the women and young girls working in Prostitution in Mozambique. I have been called to reach them and bring hope of a new future with their own dreams and desires as loved daughters of God.

Whether they are there by choice of forced into the sex industry because of circumstance or controlling powers in their lives, I believe Jesus brings new hope, restoration and a future of blessing, freedom, healing and abundance for them. They are loved and created with a great purpose for their lives.

I will be working to reach them, pray for them, speak encouragement into their lives, offer support and also offer them alternative training and employment in one of the projects I will be working on in the new year in Mozambique.

To be able reach these women I am in need of a vehicle to visit these women on the streets. Unfortunately where I'll be based in Northern Mozambique, it's not safe as a women to go on foot into the villages at night, and public transport is also not a viable or safe option. This ministry is currently not running due to not having someone leading this ministry and not having a car on base for those interested to use - I hope to turn this around.

A second hand 4x4 vehicle can be purchased for around $5000. The roads there are not kept well and in many instances 4x4's are needed to get from point A to point B. This amount doesn't include servicing or fixing anything when it breaks, so if we are able to go over this amount all will go to great use!

To be able to serve these women and see them restored, and confident in their worth as daughters of God, I greatly need your help and support to purchase a vehicle to reach them.

I plan on purchasing a vehicle here in South Africa before the end of this year, before I leave to transport me there and to get a reliable vehicle for a good price before I go, Vehicles in the North of Mozambique may be harder to find and less reliable in the upkeep - many vehicles there if not most of them would never pass a roadworthy test in NZ.

I ask that you consider prayerfully in your heart how you can contribute and be part of this. No amount is too small, I know that Jesus blesses everything given and greatly those who give.

If you are unable to financially contribute I would be so grateful if you could share this page and help raise awareness for this need.

God bless you and your faithfulness in supporting me. Many lives are being changed with the love and power of Jesus. Many more will be impacted in this ministry in the years to come.

Yours faithfully,

Laura x

Laura Monahan's involvement (page creator)

I am serving as a missionary in Africa, going to be based in northern Mozambique bringing hope and a future of dreams and freedom to women and young girls in prostitution, sexual abuse and those diagnosed with HIV.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Dec 2015
Deus pode ser um auxilio este veiculo em monstar amor a vossas filhas nas ruas de Mocambique God may this truck be an aid in showing love to your daughters on the streets of Mozambique
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Dec 2015
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Dec 2015
Christmas blessings
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 10 Dec 2015
Love you and love what you are doing Laura the snorer
Lala on 08 Dec 2015
Praying for the best truck that does not break down!!

Who's involved?

Laura Monahan's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Laura Monahan
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This campaign started on 10 Nov 2015 and ended on 24 Dec 2015.