Caroline's portable oxygen machine

$7,225 of $5,750 goal
Given by 63 generous donors in 6 days

Funding Caroline's oxygen machine

Bainham, Tasman

My beautiful mum Caroline has been dealing with a range of health issues lately, the most pressing issue being Interstitial Lung disease.

She's a caring mother of 3, a loving grandmother of 4 and wants to be actively involved in their lives as much as possible.

With her lungs only functioning at 27% she is in need of a lung transplant and is being put on the waiting list.

In the mean time doctors are setting up a oxygen machine in her home so that she can live life in the most normal way possible but unfortunately funding doesn't cover a mobile machine for when she wants to leave the house.

Due to other health issues(Lupus & Fibromyalgia) she has been unable to work for the past few years and is ineligible for any form of financial support from the government.

We hope to raise the necessary funds to purchase a mobile oxygen machine, as well as help with additional costs related to the whole situation.

Ben Lowe's involvement (page creator)

Caroline is my mother

Use of funds

The purchase of a mobile oxygen machine as well as assisting with additional healthcare costs(eg travel for specialist appointments)

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Latest update

Money raised!  22 November 2021

Thank-you so much to everyone for your kind and generous donations! Caroline has ordered her oxygen machine and it is on her way! She's on her way to being as mobile as possible! Thank-you to all who prayed and continue to do so, were still believing for the miraculous to happen 😊

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Latest donations

Liz & Alan
Liz & Alan on 18 Nov 2021
Much love and here's to getting you what you need to move forward. ❤
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Nov 2021
Karen on 17 Nov 2021
Love from the Newman familyxx
Suzanne on 17 Nov 2021
All the best always Caroline. Take care my friend.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 17 Nov 2021

Who's involved?

Ben Lowe's avatar
Created by Ben Lowe
Caroline Wrenn's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Caroline Wrenn
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This campaign started on 14 Nov 2021 and ended on 20 Nov 2021.