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Charlie urgently needs life saving surgery in Germany! Please help get her life back by helping to raise funds!

  • Charlie heads off to Germany

      16 September 2024
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    Today Charlie begins her journey to Germany to have major surgery to try and reverse her vascular compressions.

    It was very sad saying goodbye to family and pets this morning as she and her mum will be overseas for 2 months. 😔

    They are extremely nervous as it’s a massive surgery which they are going into blindly not knowing how Charlie will respond/complications/recovery etc…

    They will be transiting in Hong Kong this evening and then flying to Leipzig for some pre-op scans to prepare for her surgery in Düsseldorf in a weeks time.

    We are so grateful for all the love and support from so many amazing and unbelievably kind people 🩷

    We have extended the time frame on this Give a Little page and will still be collecting donations to support Charlie and her mum Rachel on their journey.

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  • Bake Sale Fundraising and Date booked for Germany

      30 August 2024
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    Kia ora everyone,

    Charlie has a date booked for Germany and will be heading over there not far into September. We are so grateful for everything we've been able to raise so far but there's still a ways to go. We have had two successful bake sales. Extra special thanks to our supporters who have made baking for us and come along to those.

    We will be having two more in the upcoming weeks.

    We will be at Brewtown on Sunday 8th of September and Brooklyn Market on Saturday the 14th of September.

    If you are in the area, please come along and and buy some baking or spread the word to friends and family 🍰🍪🍩

    With your help we can push to raise some more funds before she heads over.

    Ngā mihi nui,

    Maria and Charlie

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  • Update on Charlie’s Health

      23 August 2024
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    After some recent scans Charlie had done in Hamilton, it has shown the severity of her Nutcracker Syndrome and she has unfortunately been diagnosed with more vascular compressions: MALS, SMAS and May Thurner Syndrome. She has been managing her central line and self administering IV fluids from home but keeps ending up in hospital with critically low electrolyte levels. Charlie and her mum are off to Germany for surgery in September.

    We are so grateful for all the donations so far and would appreciate people sharing this link around so we can get even closer to our goal.

    Ngā mihi nui 🩷

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  • We are so grateful for everyone’s love and support so far! ❤️❤️

      30 July 2024

    We wanted to say a massive thank you for every one’s kindness and generosity! We are absolutely blown away with all the love and support. It’s been really heartwarming receiving all the lovely messages.

    It’s amazing how much we've managed to raise in such a short period of time and we are beyond grateful!

    Ngā mihi nui ❤️❤️

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