Christian Pese

$33,899 donated
Given by 551 generous donors in around 3 months

To support Korey and Joanne to be by their son Christian's side as he fights for his life!


Christian Pese, is only 18 years old, and suffered a massive stroke on Sunday afternoon (14th March 2021).

Christian has his whole life ahead of him, he has been representing 3 sports at top levels and has just started his degree at Otago University doing law.

Christian comes from a strong, loving and supportive family but he is fighting for his life right now down in Christchurch. His family is based in Auckland but have all travelled or are traveling to be by his side. Christian had only just set himself up down in Otago when this happened.

His family is devastated, their eldest son Caleb is desperate to get home from Sydney and they all need to be able to be together again. It is now time to hope and pray for a miracle!

Please help us lessen at least one burden for this family over this time. Christian we love you and you are a fighter! Arohanui to Korey, Joanne and all of your beautiful whānau.

Cherie Whaanga's involvement (page creator)

I am a friend, and colleague of Joanne Pese

Use of funds

Money will go towards travel expenses and costs associated with being in another area of the country. It will be used in any way needed to support the family to transport Christian, get his needs met and to be able to spend this precious time together.

Latest donations

Abizer s
Abizer s on 20 Apr 2021
Nick on 16 Apr 2021
Best wishes for Christian and his family
Steve on 16 Apr 2021
With best wishes from all at AM&T
Donna on 15 Apr 2021
Thinking of you & your Whanau Whaea Joanne love Nala
Cheryl on 10 Apr 2021
Thinking of you Christian, and your family. Praying for a speedy recovery. Ex-Weymouth teacher Ms Cooper.

Who's involved?

Cherie Whaanga's avatar
Created by Cherie Whaanga
Joanne Pese's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Joanne Pese on behalf of Christian Pese,
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This campaign started on 19 Mar 2021 and ended on 19 Jun 2021.