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Ciara Hovey Appeal

$7,336 donated
Given by 72 generous donors in one year

Ciara Hovey, the 2 year old daughter of Wanaka based couple Jane Hosford and Dave Hovey, has been diagnosed with cancer and is now undergoi


Ciara and her parents have no family in New Zealand and could really use your support.

Through fundraising we are hoping to alleviate the financial worry, so they can both put 100% of their time & energy into helping Ciara fight this illness.

Thank you for your kindness and support...

Latest update

Update for 28/02/2011  28 February 2011

Gosh- sorry! Entered an update not long after the Song for Ciara to let everyone know that there was over $2k raised that night. Must've forgotten to save the update somehow...Also, so you know, the money was put into one of the bank accounts, hence why it doesn't register here. Thanks so much for everyone who came along, donated, and/or bought raffle tickets! Thanks so much also to everyone who has donated so far on this site, and/or into the accounts at National Bank and Westpac! It's amazing!!!!! THANK YOU!!!

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Sara on 29 May 2012
i really hope see getting better soon,
Graham Robinson
Graham Robinson on 03 Aug 2011
A friend of Matt Prentice who amazingly completed a half marathon. I wish you all the very best
Family in law
Family in law on 12 Jul 2011
You are all in our thoughts and meditations. Hope Ciara has a speedy recovery.Love Amanda, Jason, Yoon and family.
Jasper & Patricia (the dutch copple that spend 3 days in the office)
Jasper & Patricia (the dutch copple that spend 3 days in the office) on 30 Jun 2011
With love!
Colin Mc Cusker & The Bank Bar in Dublin
Colin Mc Cusker & The Bank Bar in Dublin on 24 Jun 2011
Best of luck with your treatment. x

Who's involved?

Yolinde (Yoyo) Magill's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Yolinde (Yoyo) Magill
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This campaign started on 24 Jun 2011 and ended on 24 Jun 2012.