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Cohen really needs finacial assitance for unfunded Medication

$190 donated
Given by 5 generous donors in around 4 months

Cohen has been placed on a medication that is not funded in New Zealand by Pharmac , but hopefully will one day .


Cohen has Neurofibromatosis one of the worst genetic conditions known to man , He has two inoperable brain tumours , he has 1000,s of tumours wrapping around his cervical spine , He hasn't had a good life been in and out of Hospital most of his life with complications resulting from this disease that's killing him . He has also been on every opioid that is medically available in New Zealand via specialised Pain Clinic Consultants too the point he could not function as a human being as he was just too sedated . He has now been placed on a new medication that is not funded in any way by our Government . The cost is $330.00 every 16 days , Cohen is on a special benefit and cannot afford this cost and its crippling us as well , so any help would be greatly appreciated to assist him in obtaining this drug that he so needs to help him function as normally as he can . Without this Cohen is in severe pain too the point he needs Fentanyl infusions which only last a couple of days and is life threatening as well ,Cannabis is still an illicit drug in New Zealand and there is no Chemotherapy or Radiation therapy for Cohen as its not an option , there is no miracle surgery , all that's available is Tilray 100 CBD oil extract , Place yourself in his shoes if you can , what would you do REALLY too help yourself medically when there is only one legal option out there . Please help if you can as why let Cohen suffer , its inhumane too do so .

Lee Brown's involvement (page creator)

Were here too help in any aspect that we can as Parents .

Use of funds

they will be used to obtain alternative treatment and options so as too lead a normal as life as possible with the borrowed time he has left and also Funeral costs when its arises .

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Latest update

Cohen still needs help   30 April 2019

well the good news is that Tilray 100 CBD oil has dropped in price and is now $330.00 a bottle every 16 days as Cohen is on a special benefit and its as its not funded we still have to seek funds from donors wiling to assist in our goal too obtain this medicine that he requires , Donors may be a bit sceptical with it being CBD , but honestly its prescribed by a top Dunedin Pain Clinic Consultant and it works , he has quality of life , where before he was sedated for 18 plus hours a day and just a zombie on Opioids .

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Mar 2019
Shelley Sadd
Shelley Sadd on 08 Feb 2019
All the best Cohen.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Feb 2019
Good luck
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Feb 2019
more than happy too help . Good Luck
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Feb 2019
Hope this helps

Who's involved?

Lee Brown's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Lee Brown on behalf of Cohen Brown
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This campaign started on 5 Feb 2019 and ended on 26 May 2019.