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Come Together for Jas

$15,800 of $50,000 goal
Given by 176 generous donors in around 3 months

Jas is the Founder of "Feed a Family" and supported hundreds of families with clothing and food. She now needs our help.


If you have cancer or have overcome it, you know that every single day is a fight for survival.

In 2019, Jas discovered some lumps on her right breast. Biopsy results confirmed breast cancer.

After the removal of the cancer, Jas underwent chemotherapy and radiation treatment, followed by more CT scans, biopsies, blood tests, injections, infections, and multiple reconstruction surgeries. Six month ago her fallopian tubes and uterus were removed to prevent the production of estrogen as her cancer was estrogen induced.

What this 'Give a Little' is really about is Jas being able to just stop.

Through it all, Jas still works full-time, 12-hours a day in her role as a cleaner at the construction site of the Mt Eden Tranzlink Train tunnel.

Even between operations, she has had no time to stop, recover, and heal. Her work is very physical but Jas and her husband Vance still have to pay the bills and raise a family as the cost of living continues to soar.

Your help will enable Jas to take up to 6-months off work and recover properly while she restores her physical strength and prepares for the challenges ahead.

With Jas' latest hospitalisation and continuing to work as she is, I truly fear that her body may just decide to shut down and even take her life.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your support in advance.

Stephanie Bhana's involvement (page creator)

I have been a close friend of Jas's for the past 30 years and she has consistently been a pillar of strength for those in need, and warm & funny for those who need a hug & a smile. Most of all she loves her husband and children - let's do this for them.

Use of funds

Jas needs a minimum of 6 months to recover and heal - your support will allow her this time without the worry of day to day living costs.

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Latest donations

Toni on 08 Jul 2023
Shane & Tania
Shane & Tania on 04 Jul 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Jun 2023
Marcele on 22 Jun 2023
Angel on 21 Jun 2023

Who's involved?

Stephanie Bhana's avatar
Created by Stephanie Bhana
Jasmine McPhee's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Jasmine McPhee
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This campaign started on 17 Apr 2023 and ended on 17 Jul 2023.