TARGET ACHIEVED THANK YOU -Conifer Grove - No Through Road (Brylee Drive)

$2,350 of $2,000 goal
Given by 66 generous donors in 4 days

Conifer Grove Traffic Engineering Report - No Through Road


Many thanks Conifer Grove, we achieved our target, no more donations please.

Fletchers have made an application to open Brylee Drive, linking Conifer Grove and the new development Waiata Shores.

This will have a significant impact on Traffic (up to 600 cars an hour), Safety of children and residences, Security of homes (increase in crime).

A Traffic Engineering report is required to support submissions opposing the Te Napi - Brylee Drive Through Road in Conifer Grove, Auckland.

The report is being written by an independent traffic engineer to provide factual information on the impact of opening the road between Conifer Grove and Waiata Shores.

The approximate cost of the report is $2000. The invoice and report will be made available to all who contribute.

More information on the Conifer Grove Facebook page or email

Lisa Blake's involvement (page creator)

Conifer Grove Community is raising funds to oppose the significant impact of a new through road bringing 600 traffic movements an hour. Funds are to pay for a traffic engineering report in a transparent, easy manner

Use of funds

Funds will be used to pay for the Traffic Engineering report to support submissions opposing the Te Napi - Brylee Drive Through Road in Conifer Grove, Auckland.

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Latest donations

M & F Gardiner
M & F Gardiner on 18 Sep 2018
Let's all get behind this.
Leonie McCraith
Leonie McCraith on 18 Sep 2018
Jotika on 18 Sep 2018
David Mayson
David Mayson on 18 Sep 2018
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Sep 2018

Who's involved?

Lisa Blake's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Lisa Blake on behalf of Conifer Grove Community
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This campaign started on 15 Sep 2018 and ended on 19 Sep 2018.