$885 of $1,500 goal
Given by 22 generous donors in around 5 months

Equal Start - Mum and Bub Essentials - Can you help us provide Mums and Bubs with the items they need most?


Having a small baby on a low income is hard work.

Can you help these mums?

All donations go to buying new mums AND babies the essential items they so desperately need.

We're working with the Community Midwives to make sure the mums that need most will receive the essential items.

These are essential items for Mums:

- Breast pumps

- Breast pads

- Creams

- And anything else they may need.

Essential items for Bubs:

- Blankets

- Winter woolens

Can you help?

Use of funds

Funds will be spent on purchasing essential items for mums.

Breast Pumps, Breast Pads, Sanitary Items and any other items our Community Midwives tell us are needed.

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Our Aim + Your help = ACHIEVABLE   19 April 2020

Every dollar donated makes a difference. Thank you all a million times over for all the help given x

We've raised over $1,000.00 between Givealittle donations and private donations. Thank you x

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Alyson on 18 Apr 2020
Little Fern

Thank you x

Little Fern
Deb on 16 Apr 2020
Little Fern

Thank you for a very generous donation xxx

Little Fern
Michelle on 14 Apr 2020
Thanks for helping those in need.
Little Fern

It's our pleasure :) Thank you for such a generous donation x

Little Fern
Shannon & Gray Scown
Shannon & Gray Scown on 13 Apr 2020
Breastfeeding is so hard at the best of times. Thank you for doing this Hannah.
Little Fern

You are both wonderful x Thank you x

Little Fern
Katrina on 13 Apr 2020
Little Fern

Thank you xxx

Little Fern

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Little Fern (Business)
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This campaign started on 9 Apr 2020 and ended on 4 Sep 2020.