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Craig McDougall has dedicated his life to helping others and now needs help to overcome cancer

  • Craig Health Update July 2024

      30 July 2024

    Hi Everyone, just to let you know I will be emailing you all an update about Craig McDougall as his preference is to take things offline. If you registered your email then I will be in touch directly so please keep an eye out for an email from me, Vicky Roebuck. ( I am posting this update first so you know the email is authentic and authorised :-) ) Thank you

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  • Message from Craig

      17 October 2023

    Hi Everyone, thank you so so much for all your kind donations and support for Craig. He has asked me to extend his deepest love and gratitude to you all. He and Vicki are currently in Mexico & wanted to let you all know what an amazing facility it is and how grateful he is to be there getting amazing personalised care. We will send another update soon but for now just wanted to say thank you on behalf of Craig and let you know that because of your kind generosity and support , he was able to travel to Sanoviv Treatment Centre. He has hope and sends you all his love, best wishes and blessings.

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