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Creating Baby Moller

$4,555 donated
Given by 70 generous donors in 5 weeks

Help achieve our dream.

Bay of Plenty

Our journey to extend our family hasn't been easy.

One we thought we would never share but as we loose time we find ourselves pressing the 'help' button endlessly.

We find it hard to share our story, mainly because we struggle to find the right words to define heartbreak.

The words are indescribable.

It all started in 2014.

We were woken up in the early hours with Emma experiencing the most excruciating pain ever and an emergency trip to the hospital to then be told that we were pregnant. Surprise! (Insert mixed emotions here).

This surprise very quickly changed as hours later I found myself waking up in ICU after a 60 minute surgery to remove the 12 week old baby which was found ruptured in my follopian tube causing internal bleeding and tube removal..

Fast forward to 2017 we were introduced to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), after finding out my other tube was damaged/blocked too I then had to have my one and only last shot of falling pregnant naturally removed due to hydrosalpinx fluid causing severe abdominal pain.

Therefore we have 0% chance of falling pregnant without the help of IVF.

Never had I ever thought I would need to go down this path to create a family of our own.. I mean for years we use protection plus take contraceptive pills to avoid getting pregnant to only find out it was a waste of time!?

Years of treatment, numerous appointments, days off work, sitting across the desk from different specialists and different faces, hundreds of kms travelled, endless and countless tests, hundreds of needles, surgeries, accupuncher, diet, drugs, tears and heartbreak.

•After our first embryo transfer we were ecstatic to see our first ever positive pregnancy test, the excitement was shortly lived after again finding ourselves in the emergency department listening to the words

"I'm sorry", we miscarried..

•Back into another round we went in for our second embryo transfer, after 2 weeks of anxiously waiting we listened to the voicemail of:

"I'm sorry you weren't successful".

•Straight back into number 3, more injections, popping more pills I started to feel like I owned a pharmacy!

We get the phone call.. again:

"I'm sorry"

•FOURTH embryo transfer we were introduced to a new protocol, which meant more drugs and crazy hormones to add to the mix.

2 weeks after transfer we got the phone call-

"Is now a good time to speak?"

All I can remember is dropping my phone to the floor with disbelief that we were PREGNANT!

This time things were different.

My HCG levels were looking great, I experienced pregnancy symptoms and we even made it to a scan!

Again, soon after I woke at 5am with heavy bleeding and cramping. Off to the hospital we go.

Again- another misscarriage 😥

As you know Emma has a special place in her heart for children, she works full time as an infant and toddler teacher at Waihi Beach and gives each and every child the love and childhood memories that they deserve.

Every child is a blessing.

Right now as we gear up for our 5th embryo transfer we find ourselves needing to do a lot more than our 4 other cycles.

The funds raised will go towards PGS testing which is genetic testing of our embryos to see if they are genetically normal which will help us choose a healthy embryo to put back and reduce the chance of misscarriage.

This testing alone cost 4k plus.

If you would like to help us get closer to our rainbow please donate, every dollar get us closer to achieving our dream.

Emma and Levi ❤

Use of funds

The funds raised will go towards PGS testing which is genetic testing of our embryos to see if they are genetically normal which will help us choose a healthy embryo to put back and reduce the chance of misscarriage and Intralipid Infusions.

Latest update

A thank you  30 April 2019

Thank you to each and everyone of our lovely friends who have helped us get this far!

We are beyond lost for words and don't know how to thank you all enough.

1 step closer to getting our miracle ❤

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Latest donations

Kelsey and Isla
Kelsey and Isla on 21 May 2019
Sending you luck and positive vibes♥️♥️
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 May 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 12 May 2019
Elliot, Lisa, Jude
Elliot, Lisa, Jude on 09 May 2019
We love you SO dearly, you are already a mum and one day pray you will be a mum to a surviving baby. you have bee through too much too soon and you are a hero, Emma, I want you to know that. Happy Mothers day. Love from us xo
Alex on 06 May 2019
All the best girl ❤️ Will be here to support you on this journey every step of the way!

Who's involved?

Emma  Overdevest 's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Emma Overdevest
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This campaign started on 22 Apr 2019 and ended on 30 May 2019.