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Curtis and Tylar to Valencia (Spain) for a 18 day football & tour experience

$851 of $40,000 goal
Given by 16 generous donors in around 10 months

Curtis and Tylar to Valencia (Spain) for a football & tour experience at one of the top professional clubs in the world.

Whitianga, Waikato

In June 2023 Curtis Treherne and Tylar Cornwall attended Sports camp with 35 other kids from Mercury Bay Area School. They competed in all different types of sports. While in a football competition with their teammates competing against 8 other schools, Kim Beale from Soccer plus NZ was watching these boys. To Tylar and Curtis football is their passion. They play for Mercury Bay football club, in their lunch breaks at school they play. At home they practise and attend futsal(indoor soccer).

Kim Beale pulled Mike Cornwall aside at camp and told him how impressed he was with Curtis and Tylar with their skills in football. He has invited Curtis and Tylar to Valencia (Spain) for a football & tour experience at one of the top professional clubs in the world.

What an unbelievable accomplishment for these boys. We need your help to help get these boys to Valenica in 2025. Even though its part paid for there is still a big cost. We need to fundraise $40,000 we will be having a give a little page, raffles, sausages sizzles, and much much more. Please help these boy's dreams come true

If we do not reach the funds needed for their Valencia trip it will still go towards the boys football career and experience.

Rachel Cornwall's involvement (page creator)

I am the proud mother of Tylar and proud friend of Curtis

Use of funds

The money is to go towards Soccer Plus NZ as their fees for the Valencia trip to get Tylar, Curtis and their Guardians. The trip is part paid this is the remaining fee

If we do not reach the funds needed for their Valencia trip it will still go towards the boys football career and experience.

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Latest donations

Weston on 01 Apr 2024
Good luck
Nicola on 30 Mar 2024
Good luck boys!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Mar 2024
Kellan on 30 Mar 2024
Helen on 09 Feb 2024
Well done

Who's involved?

Rachel Cornwall's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Rachel Cornwall on behalf of Curtis & Tylars professional Football experience in Valencia
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This campaign started on 23 Jul 2023 and ended on 13 May 2024.