Cyclone affected Tanna Island and Isaka Village

$275 donated
Given by 5 generous donors in 7 weeks

Cyclone damaged Isaka Village, Tanna Island Vanuatu, needs your help!


Cyclone damaged Isaka; a small village on the island of Tanna, Vanuatu has just recently been hit hard by two cyclones, Kevin and Judy. They need our help! Any contribution would be appreciated. Please, help me raise funds for them to rebuild or repair the damage created.

Their church has been flattened, homes destroyed or damaged. Replanting, reroofing the buildings in the school grounds, and rebuilding the church are just some of the tasks they will need to do.

Almost everything needs to be either flown or shipped in to this remote island. Transporting goods inland adds to the expense.

Some of the locals bring money in to the region by offering accommodation (Thatched huts and some treehouses) The few tourists they have, spend money that goes straight back to the community. A lot of these properties have been damaged. For more pics have a look at the fb page

Please help and give a little.

Thank you!

Andi Podesta's involvement (page creator)

I stayed at Isaka in paid accommodation, Daniel was the host. He would distribute, through the chief of the village as best needed.

Use of funds

Funds will be greatly appreciated for repairs, rebuilds, tools for garden and building, food, medical aid, students internet, seedlings etc.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Mar 2023
Andi Podesta

Thank you so very much! A wonderful contribution. Andi

Andi Podesta
Stephen on 20 Mar 2023
Andi Podesta

Thanks so very much Stephen! Andi

Andi Podesta
Michael on 20 Mar 2023
Andi Podesta

Awesome! We're on the way now. Validated donations.

Andi Podesta
Sandra on 17 Mar 2023
God bless you all ,praying your church will be res,tored soon.
Andi Podesta

You should have heard them singing in this church. Their faith is strong! Thank you!

Andi Podesta
Andrea on 15 Mar 2023

Who's involved?

Andi Podesta's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Andi Podesta on behalf of Isaka Village - Daniel Samson
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This campaign started on 10 Mar 2023 and ended on 30 Apr 2023.