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Cyclone Gabrielle Community Support

  • $4m target reached, campaign ends Sunday

      24 February 2023

    Congratulations Aotearoa, together we’ve reached $4 million in donations. Our campaign will end at 23.59pm this Sunday 26 February so we can distribute the funds you've so generously donated. We’ll keep accepting donations up until then so spread the word!

      5 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 24/02/2023 by Jenelle

      Will we all get an update on how much and where the donations will go?

    • 25/02/2023 by Sally

      Why in heaven’s name stop now. PLEASE keep accepting funds for the sake of yhe poor victims.

    • 26/02/2023 by Doreen

      Are our donations spread to those that are needing it most or just to the chosen ones that you guys think it deserves & not those that are struggling & have no Insurance koz they can't afford to?

    • 18/03/2023 by Gaye

      Please tell us immediately how our money has been distributed!

    • 28/03/2023 by Stuff Limited

      Kia ora Gaye,

      Thanks for donating to the Stuff Cyclone Gabrielle fundraising campaign. After the campaign closed we quickly distributed $4.4 million to the following beneficiaries:

      - $629,000 – Red Cross New Zealand Disaster Fund

      - $629,000 – Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund

      - $943,000 – Hawke's Bay Disaster Relief Trust

      - $943,000 – Gisborne District Council Disaster Relief Trust

      - $210,000 – Far North District Council Mayoral Relief Fund

      - $210,000 – Whangārei District Council Mayoral Relief Fund

      - $210,000 – Kaipara District Mayoral Relief Fund

      - $314,000 -- Waikato District Council Mayoral Relief Fund

      - $314,000 – Thames-Coromandel District Council Mayoral Disaster Relief Fund

      No mayoral funds were set up in the Bay of Plenty so a decision was made to split this region's allocation between Hawke's Bay and Tairāwhiti, the hardest hit areas. A small portion of the total went to Givealittle service fees.

      Thank you for your generous support. Here are a few stories that have been published on how the money is being spent:




  • Let's get to $4m

      21 February 2023

    We're not far off the $4 million target Aotearoa. Let's give a final push to get us there!

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  • New Fundraising Goal

      20 February 2023

    The donations keep rolling in Aotearoa. Thank you to every single person who has contributed. And to the businesses who have answered our call to match Stuff’s $10,000 donation – Infometrics, NLC Payroll, MYOB, E tū, Sutton Tools NZ Ltd, TimeFiler, Electric Kiwi, Powerhouse Civil Ltd, Waikato Orthodontic Centre, Uara Digital Ltd and Quigg Partners. Ka rawe!

      4 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 20/02/2023 by Raewyn

      Can you tell us how you are spending this money?

    • 21/02/2023 by Stuff Limited

      Hi Raewyn, per the information provided on the page, Stuff will distribute funds evenly between Red Cross and the Mayoral Relief Funds in areas where a local state of emergency has been declared including Northland, Auckland, Tairāwhiti, Bay of Plenty, Waikato, and Hawkes Bay. Ngā mihi.

    • 21/02/2023 by Vicki Gifkins

      Hi Stuff,

      This is amazing! Our country is so generous. Just wondering what will happen to the 33.33% tax donation credit you will be able to claim once this is donated to the charities and end of financial year comes around? As it stands this could be more than a million dollars more going to these charities. However, the credit legally could also go to stuff nz. Please confirm your plans for the tax credit. Thanks!

    • 28/03/2023 by Stuff Limited

      Kia ora Vicki,

      I am confirming, Stuff has no intent to claim a tax credit for these donations received.

  • New Fundraising Goal

      18 February 2023

    Wow. We’re blown away by the level of support from individuals, whānau and businesses across the motu. We’re going to keep going, to raise as much funds as possible for those affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. Our new target is $3 million.

      5 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 18/02/2023 by Sue

      There are Kiwis and people who love NZ all over the world. I’m sure many, like me, are feeling sad and helpless being so far away. I am sure that you will get the money to places that need it asap. Thank you.

    • 18/02/2023 by Adonia Wilson

      Proud to be a kiwi. Do what we can NZ $1 or $1,000 every helps.

    • 19/02/2023 by Susan

      This is great. How is the money being spent please?

    • 20/02/2023 by Elaine

      As someone who benefitted from the Flood Relief Fund, back in the 70s, I was happy to give what I could afford, to this appeal.

    • 21/02/2023 by Stuff Limited

      Hi Susan, per the information provided on the page, Stuff will distribute funds evenly between Red Cross and the Mayoral Relief Funds in areas where a local state of emergency has been declared including Northland, Auckland, Tairāwhiti, Bay of Plenty, Waikato, and Hawkes Bay. Ngā mihi.

  • New Fundraising Goal

      17 February 2023

    Thank you, NZ! We’re overwhelmed by the incredible generosity of our audience –you’ve raised more than $1 million in just over 12 hours for Cyclone Gabrielle relief. That is something to be immensely proud of, and we’re grateful to every one of the more than 10,000 donors. But these devastated communities are far from out of the woods. So let’s keep going. The new fundraising target is $2,000,000.

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    • 17/02/2023 by LeeAnne

      It's been awesome to see how the donations just keep coming in! Keep going Aotearoa, let's help our whanau!!!!

  • New Fundraising Goal

      16 February 2023

    We’ve been overwhelmed by the support of the Stuff community, and as a result of smashing our $100k target in just a few hours, we’ve decided to up our fundraising goal to $1,000,000. Come on Aotearoa, let’s go!

      2 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 16/02/2023 by Mindy

      Woohoo, NZ you're awesome! Well done

    • 16/02/2023 by Kristeen

      Fantastic news to up the goal, can be done!!