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Dean's story

on 25 Sep 2023

Kylie asks

Hi, I work for a charity called TimeOut. We connect generous holiday homeowners all around the country who are willing to donate a stay to a person diagnosed with an incurable illness so that they can spend time together and make special memories with family & friends. Unfortunately we do not have many houses that fully accommodate a wheelchair, but there are a couple that might be an option (one in Auckland and one in the Bay of Islands). I am not sure where Dean and his family live but if they are near either of these locations and would like to find out more please email us on Take care, Kylie.


Hello. Aww thank you very much for this kind offer but Dean and his family live in Christchurch and has now been told he is unable to travel anywhere. How thoughtful of you!! thank you for thinking of him tho. Best wishes Fiona

Fiona Boniface

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