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Defending the NZ Bill of Rights

  • When will we hear the result?

      26 July 2023

    Update from our legal team:

    The Court of Appeal has an indicative timeframe of three months for releasing decisions, we are at that point now. They aim to have 80% of civil decisions released in that time, and they generally manage to do so.

    Having said that, they could take longer and there is nothing we can reasonably do, at least yet. There are about 0.1% of judgments at the CA level that take longer than six months.

    I can follow up at the end of this month if we still haven’t had a result, hopefully that will move them along.

    Part of me hopes that they are taking this long because they are grappling with the issues and might be finding in your favour – but who knows!

    Matthew Hague

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    • 26/07/2023 by hassan

      Thank you very much, for the update.

    • 04/08/2023 by NZTSOS Inc

      Our lawyer has followed up with the Court and we will give an update of any response from them.

  • What happens if/when we win our appeal case?

      17 June 2023

    With six days to go and $407 left to achieve our target, we have paid our final invoice to Frontline Law! Anything left in the coffers now or anything that comes in over the next six days will be spent NZTSOS objectives. If you want to financially support our objectives through this give a little fundraiser, you have six days left. Meanwhile we wait for the results. If/when we win, it is hoped that the government will now enter into good-faith discussions to remedy the damage they have caused. Most importantly the threshold for using s5 of the NZ Bill of Rights will be raised. We will also pursue avenues of redress. Thank you so much for your support.

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  • Just about there! Would you buy the lawyer a coffee?

      12 June 2023
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    Folks, we are just about there. We are hoping to hear the ruling from the Court of Appeal in the next few weeks. Are you able to buy the lawyer a coffee? We have almost reached out fundraising goal and your donation of $5 (the cost of a coffee) or more, will ensure that we finish well! Win or lose we can say that we been part of an epic effort to uphold the Bill of Rights for all NZers. Many are tired, we can understand that, but the ‘full time whistle has not blown yet.’ Thank you for your support.

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  • Victory over vaccine mandates in Texas. Are we next?

      28 May 2023

    The decision on our historic appeal is still pending. We're expecting to get a ruling within the next four weeks. Or it could be longer. There is no way of telling how it will go, but we have reasons to be hopeful. Two weeks ago in the US, the Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, secured a victory in his lawsuit against the Biden Administration’s unlawful vaccine mandate for federal contractors. More about that here. Although this is a US situation it does indicate that victory in NZ is possible.

    Our legal team went over the estimate provided in March by about 50%. Despite their efforts, the preparation involved was more than anticipated. They have reduced their final invoice by $3,000 to better reflect their earlier estimate but it does mean we have an outstanding amount of $3,202.18  to pay.

    Could you help us by making a donation? If we win this case it will be because of your help. If we lose, you and I will know that we never gave up, and stood strong together.

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  • Update on how the hearing went today

      19 April 2023

    Please find the attached YouTube video on how we feel the Court of Appeal went today. We have reasons to have hope for a good outcome. We’ve just about hit our funding target. If your able to give a little more to hit our target that would be great. Thank you for helping us to get to this milestone!

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  • NZ Bill of Rights on the line this week!

      17 April 2023
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    The future of the New Zealand Bill of Rights is on the line for all New Zealanders on Wednesday. Thank you for all your support. We'll give you an update on how we feel the case went. The Court may take a week or even months to make a decision. We are cautiously optimistic that it will rule in our favour for the benefit of all New Zealanders. It is still not too late to rally support. We will keep this page running past the hearing date.

    Last year Justice Cooke essentially ruled the vaccine mandates in the health and education sector were a justifiable breach of the human rights for workers in those sectors. Our position is he erred in law on at least four grounds and we get to present those grounds to the Court of Appeal on Wednesday.

    NZTSOS is represented by Matthew Hague from Frontline Law.

    "It's important that the ruling of Justice Cooke is overturned. Otherwise the legal precedent is set in place allowing future governments to enforce medical treatment on whole sections of the population on the so-called advice of medical experts."

    The appeal will be heard before three judges, the Honourable Justices Gilbert, Collins and Goddard.

    "Justice Cooke heard our case in the earlier judicial review. Like all of us, he is human. He got it wrong. The vaccine mandates were not "a demonstrably justified breach of human rights. " That's why in a free and democratic country we have the opportunity to go to the Court of Appeal to correct this mistake."

    Lawyers Jones and Kiel representing the Minister for Covid-19 Response and Others will respond to the arguments of NZTSOS.

    "Courts are reluctant to rule against the government when governments declare emergency powers. But this is exactly why we need them. Otherwise we have a situation of unbridled power without accountability. The nature of this hearing means we can't introduce new evidence to the courtroom but the evidence emerging shows that the breach of section 11 of the Bill of Rights, "the right to refuse medical treatment" was not demonstrably justified and this must be corrected and those government officials who overstepped need to be held to account."

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  • It's your basic human right to choose what is put into your body.

      5 April 2023
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    In exactly 2 weeks from today (Wed 5 April) our legal representation will be standing before the three judges in the NZ Court of Appeal, arguing our case that the High Court got it WRONG. What is at stake is legal precedence. If this ruling is not overturned by the Court of Appeal, the legal precedence has been set. This case is pure and simple. It's not about pro or anti vaccine. It's about your right to choose what is put into your body. We are about half way to our funding goal. We'd be happy to receive your support.

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  • Answering the Call and Making a Stand!

      2 April 2023
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    Dear supporter,

    We are 16 days away from potentially a landmark hearing in the Court of Appeal. At stake is the future of human rights in New Zealand being protected. This is not an issue of pro or anti vaccine. It never was. We are 25% of the way to achieving our fundraising target. We are cautiously optimistic of a victory, but win or lose, you can hold your head high knowing that when you were called upon to help stand for the rights of New Zealanders, you answered the call.

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