Denise and Gareth's Family Journey

$140 donated
Given by 3 generous donors in 14 days

To help two wonderful parents get back on their feet

Nelson / Tasman

Denise and Gareth met at church fell in love and got married a year later. A couple years later their eldest Addison was born a big baby. After Addison started school the Teachers, Denise and Gareth discovered Addison is aspergers which came with many challenges. Denise and Gareth decided to try for a sibling for Addison. After three miscarriages Miss Iria came along - their rainbow child.

Now Iria is 7. She has become very ill and has been diagnosed with Diabetes type 1. Iria has been in hospital for over a week now as Denise learns how to administer her medicine safely as Denise has her own disabilities.

Denise and Gareth ask for any help to pay for groceries, petrol and basic care for their family as money is tight as it is without this new ongoing cost for Irias care. So until they can get back on their feet any little bit will help them. These two are such beautiful people with such beautiful children.

Tania Irvine's involvement (page creator)

Denise and I have been friends since we were teenagers coming up 19 years.

Use of funds

The funds will go towards groceries, petrol, meals and ongoing medical costs, such as doctor visits and insulin prescriptions. Also maybe if enough raised a nice night out for the parents and a fun day out with the kids.

Latest update

Iria is now Home  29 August 2021

Yay Denise and Iria have been home now for a week!

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Latest donations

Jacqui on 23 Aug 2021
So Very sorry to read this news Denise. Thinking of you all xx
Tania Irvine

Thanks jacqui for your donation it's very much appreciated

Tania Irvine
Tania on 18 Aug 2021
Krissy on 18 Aug 2021
Thinking of you guys❤ Take care xxxx
Tania Irvine

Thank you so much. Your donation is very much appreciated

Tania Irvine

Who's involved?

Tania Irvine's avatar
Created by Tania Irvine
Denise and Gareth Burke's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Denise and Gareth Burke
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This campaign started on 15 Aug 2021 and ended on 29 Aug 2021.