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Desperate, Dad of 8 children, 6 grandchildren.

$830 of $3,894 goal
Given by 5 generous donors in 12 weeks

Desparate Dad with 8 children, 6 grandchildren, daughter,19, health condition for 5 yrs, dropped wallet with $3,245 cash today, all I have.

Wellsford, Auckland

Page update: My situation, and with daughter is ongoing 1) I'm a superannuate with bottom$ Christian family, 4 boys, 4 girls, 6 grandchildren. 2) Youngest daughter (20yrs), has been dealing with serious very rare health condition last 6yrs. 5 operations, 7 admissions. Unknown cause, no cure (main reason for saving the money), & to support my other children. 3) I did the most stupid thing I've ever done, costing me all I have. 4) Spent 22/5/23 Remuera Motor Camp Auckland, in my car, Was about to head to bank to deposit $3,245 in a wallet (from things I'd sold). 5) Had to go to toilet. I stupidly put wallet with the $3,245 in my back pocket. I headed back to car form toilet, not realising wallet had fallen out of my pocket. 5) I had a lot on my mind. Daughter in hospital. 18yr old Son at the camp looking for flat starting Chef's course.. Recalled I had to finish a letter which did in camp lounge. Got back to car and realised my wallet with the $#3,245 wasn't in my pocket. 6) Put note up in camp kitchen, reported it to management. 6) I've been living in my car for last 3+ yrs to enable funds to support my sick girl (air flights/expenses, meet with specialists). I've my belongings (little value) in storage (as in photo) .7) This situation is my stupidity. Growing this family over 30 yrs, has been challenging. 6) Hoping there are people who have empathy for this all. Donation ($1) would be deeply appreciated. The larger amount is to cover the cost of this. 4) Kind regards, Graham

Use of funds

The money will be spent on my daughter's flights from Wellington to Auckland to specialists. Youngest Son (17yrs) is in a unit here, Remuera Motor camp too, coming to Auckland to starting a 3 year cooking course, flat for him, and support my other children.

Latest donations

Min-chu on 14 Jul 2024
Good luck to you, Graham
Graham (Webster) Stephens

Hi Min-Chu. 1) Words fail me to describe my appreciation of your extremely generous donation. You are 1 in a million. 2) This will enable me to get compresion stockings for daughter GRacey, she has been waiting for a very log time for. They are specifically for her left leg which swells for some reason, raises her CPR level to a threat of a dangerous sepsis leve;, which has happened a couple of times. They have to be specially constructed for the leg to ensure the pressure doesn't spread the infection elsewhere. She needs 2 (one to use, one to wash), and they are over $200 each. Gracey's compression stockings will always have the memory that Min-chu enabled them. I will find out from Givealitte whether on can update donors, if so, of course will do so. May you be blessed!. Kindest of regards, Graham

Graham (Webster) Stephens
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Aug 2023
Graham (Webster) Stephens

Thankyou so, so much. Really deeply appreciated. Ot has been a real challenge since losing the money. My main focus is my ypungest daughter (19yrs) with a lymphodemic/osteomylital rare condition, 5yrs now, flights to Japan (new med) being primary destination of the money. May you be blessed. Graham

Graham (Webster) Stephens
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 May 2023
Graham (Webster) Stephens

Deeply appreciated. I did not realise the Givedalittle page required 3 donors, or would be displayed in the manner you saw, so thanks for your faith.

Graham (Webster) Stephens
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 May 2023
Good Grandad Graham, 👍 hope things improve, all the best.
Graham (Webster) Stephens

Hi. You're a very kind person. Really deeply appreciated. You are 1 in a million. I have emailed a large number pf churches, as you see, as yet no response. No problem

Graham (Webster) Stephens
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 May 2023
Best of luck
Graham (Webster) Stephens

Really deeply appreciated, thanking you.

Graham (Webster) Stephens

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Graham (Webster) Stephens
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This campaign started on 28 May 2024 and ended on 23 Aug 2024.