Donations in memory of Lyndon Underhill (1931-2023)

$1,935 donated
Given by 20 generous donors in 9 weeks

A place to donate to the Cashmere Home in memory of Lyndon Underhill who lived there so happily for the last five years of his life.


Thank you for wanting to make a donation to the Cashmere Home in Johnsonville.

Lyndon loved living at Cashmere. He received wonderful care and felt at home there. The staff treated him kindly and with respect. He made many friends and felt privileged to be part of the Cashmere family. We couldn’t have hoped for a better place for dad to spend the final years of his life.

Cashmere Home is part of Enliven. Unfortunately, it isn't possible to make donations specifically to Cashmere so I have set up this page to make sure all money donated is forwarded to the Cashmere Home directly.

Use of funds

Improving the general facilities at Cashmere, helping maintain the gardens that dad loved so much, funding social events for staff, and buying support materials for the recreational team who do such a wonderful job entertaining the residents every day.

Latest donations

LOUISE on 10 Sep 2023
Kerry Underhill

Thanks Louise. This is very kind of you. Dad thought the world of you.

Kerry Underhill
Kerry Underhill
Kerry Underhill on 24 Aug 2023
Sahna, Hans, Ethan and Marlene x
Sahna, Hans, Ethan and Marlene x on 04 Aug 2023
Like threads in a tapestry, we are woven into the fabric of our ancestors, connecting the past to the present and shaping the legacy of our future. With love and respect to Lyndon, it was a pleasure to meet you. Sahna, Hans, Ethan and Marlene x
Kerry Underhill

Thanks so much. This is very kind. Much love to you all. X

Kerry Underhill
Julie on 04 Aug 2023
With much love from Julie, Hayley, Stacey and families
Kerry Underhill

Much love back to you Julie, Hayley and Stacey. Dad loved the family so much. X

Kerry Underhill
Daan van Gulik
Daan van Gulik on 04 Aug 2023
With love for my wonderful father-in-law. Hope this contribution gives Cashmere the opportunity to provide many more beautiful memories for other residents as they did for Lyn.
Kerry Underhill

Thank you lovely man. You and dad had such a special relationship. He loved you very much. I'm so glad you were able to be with Michael and me at the end. Love you. X

Kerry Underhill

Who's involved?

Kerry Underhill's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Kerry Underhill
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This campaign started on 25 Jul 2023 and ended on 30 Sep 2023.