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The Wildlife Hospital - Dunedin

$2,379 donated
Given by 38 generous donors in one year

Our Mission: To treat the South Island's native wildlife under expert veterinary care in a Dunedin-based facility. But we need your help!


The Dunedin Wildlife Hospital is a project which has immense support from the Wildlife Community on the South Island. Currently there are no qualified Wildlife Veterinarians based on the South Island so critically endangered and threatened species are flown to one of the North Island Specialist Wildlife Hospitals for Veterinary care. This is stressful for the animals and often the time taken between finding the animal and it receiving suitable veterinary care is the difference between success and failure. The Dunedin Wildlife Hospital aims to provide prompt, expert wildlife veterinary care to all native species needing it. During a trial run of the hospital early in 2015 the success rate of releasing yellow-eyed penguins back into the wild was 17% higher then that of penguins sent to a lower North Island centre for care. When it comes to endangered species like the precious yellow-eyed penguin, 17% is a huge number as every animal counts when there are so few remaining.

The amount of support for this project is immense including recently being awarded an AMP scholarship to help get this project off the ground.

Dunedin is the wildlife capital of NZ so it seems right that there should be a dedicated wildlife hospital to provide much needed medical care not only for the endangered species but also for the more common but equally important local wildlife.

One of the major goals of the Dunedin Wildlife Hospital is to also provide support to veterinarians across the South Island who spend time working with wildlife. Having a referral centre on the same island will help us to jointly increase success rates for the wildlife that requires veterinary intervention. Continuing education is another vital service that the Dunedin Wildlife Hospital hopes to contribute to veterinary professionals on the South Island, upskilling so we can all work together to conserve and save our precious native wildlife.

Lisa Argilla's involvement (page creator)

I am a qualified wildlife veterinarian with over 9 years working with NZ native wildlife. I have spent a lot of time doing research and working with native species on the lower South Island and it is very obvious that there is a huge need for an experienced and qualified wildlife vet in this region. There are a huge number of endangered and critically endangered and threatened species which currently have to endure long flights to the North Island for veterinary care. It is my firm belief that having a specialist wildlife hospital based on the South Island will make a huge difference to these animals and markedly increase treatment success rates and ultimately releasing the animals back in to the wild.

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Latest update

Wildlife Hospital Progress Update  15 June 2017

Hello Wonderful Supporters. We are making terrific progress in the journey to set up our wildlife hospital in Dunedin. As part of this I will be shutting down the current give-a-little page as it is registered to me (Lisa Argilla) as an individual. As we are no an organisation, a Trust to be exact, we will open up a page under that banner in the near future. Please do continue to follow our Facebook page, hopefully some exciting updates in the next month or so.

Thank you for caring for our wildlife and for supporting our cause!

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Mar 2017
McKay Heath |  Holy Family School Wanaka
McKay Heath | Holy Family School Wanaka on 27 Mar 2017
Hi Lisa. We have had lots more donations handed in at school. I hope you manage to keep the hospital open, we think you are doing a great job helping the penguins. From McKay Heath (aged 7) and the rest of the students in Mt Roy, Holy Family Catholic School Wanaka
Nick and Kate
Nick and Kate on 21 Mar 2017
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Mar 2017
Keep up your great caring work. Heard your appeal on Radio NZ.
McKay Heath - Wanaka
McKay Heath - Wanaka on 14 Mar 2017
Hello Lisa. . In class about a week ago our class was told about the likely closure of your wonderful yellow eyed penguin hospital by my teacher Mrs Anne Fauth in our Mt Roy class, Year 3, at Holy Family Catholic School Wanaka. My friends and I were so sad to hear this because we learnt that you had saved such a big percentage of the penguins and wanted so much to help. Last week I spoke with Mrs McKay (our principal) and asked if I could put a collection display & tin at the Holy Family School tent at Wanaka Show & she said yes. We raised this money for you over the two days of the show. We really hope you can keep helping the yellow eyed penguins. From McKay Heath (7 years old), Wanaka

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Lisa Argilla's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Lisa Argilla on behalf of Dunedin Wildlife Hospital
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This campaign started on 31 Oct 2016 and ended on 1 Dec 2017.