To support Eddie-Jade and his family through his treatment and ongoing fight against Leukemia.
On the 30th of April 2021 our four year old boy Eddie-Jade was diagnosed with All- acute Lymphoblastic leukemia which is a type of blood cancer. His haemoglobin count, which are his white blood cells are low, which means his immune system is unable to fight off infection. Eddie-Jade is currently in Starship hospital undergoing treatment, which at this stage is expected to last for at least the next two years.
As you can imagine the pressure on his family both mentally and financially is huge. Eddie-Jade comes from a small community on the Coromandel Peninsula which makes travel to and from hospital that much more harder. Eddie-Jades dad is a very hard working self-employed guy and having this give a little page means we can help support their family financially so both parents can be their to support their child.
Any kind of donation no matter how big or small will go a very long way to help this family.
Eddie-Jades preschool teacher.
All funds will go to the family to use as they need.
A message from Kamura & Jen - Feeling the love and are so grateful 24 May 2021
My little family and I would just like to thank everyone for the on going love and support shown for our little soldier Eddie-jade ❤️especially all the team back home in Coromandel, my heart goes out to you all. There are many of you doing your part to fundraise and we are very grateful ❤️🙏 It is all very overwhelming and we are blown away with the amount of people that care about our boy. It really means a lot to us during this difficult time as we are isolated away from our whanau and friends, we still have a long bumpy road ahead of us, but knowing that we have love and support from you all is really assuring 🙏 we definitely look forward to getting back home where the heart is ❤️🌊 love to you all