My Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity - The Silent Battle

$129 of $350 goal
Given by 7 generous donors in around 3 months

Please take the time to read my story, any help or even info on managing life with EMF exposure or electromagnetic hypersensitivity.



My name is Lara, and a bit of my backstory is that I have recently started to have affects of what is known to be electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

It started just over a year ago when a cell tower was erected close by to my house, and since being in lockdown in March it has increasing gotten worse over the months.

It started physically first, where I had extremely bad breakouts on my hands and couldn't figure out why! Had an allergy test and nothing came back, so now with using steroid cream I've been able to keep it at bay.

Then, slowly, I began experiencing extremely bad headaches, though these headaches felt as though my head was being squeezed like a pimple and not even painkillers could subside the pain!! And then the ear aches started, the pain behind my ear drums, I've noticed my hair falling out, the lack of appetite, insomnia, tingling in my arms and legs and the list goes on.

It got so intense that I cry and cry and cry myself to sleep. Pure exhaustion is what I run on most days as my body is not able to get a restful night's sleep.

So, then it came to my attention a few months ago to turn off my wifi and start using ethernet and only using data on my phone when needed. And I've found it has somewhat helped, the intense screaming in my ears isn't as bad but is still very much present, and I've stopped using things that emit radiation such as my microwave as well as turning off my power mains at night to see if that helps, which unfortunately it doesn't.

All I'm asking for is a bit of help. I have been to the doctors and they can't help, I've been to the council and they won't even acknowledge me nor return my calls etc, and I have unfortunately had to start looking for new places to live.

Whilst in this situation, and even though I am currently working part time, I've been given so advice to try TRS which is a heavy metals detox spray, and I am literally at my wits end and would love to try it (or anything that is going to give me relief from this what feels like radiation prison I call home!!

There are thousands of testimonies from people using TRS with so many results, and if this works and gives me relief I would be ever so grateful for the rest of my life.

For $170USD ($258.52 + POSTAGE) I can get 3 bottles shipped from the states! As a solo mother, I can not afford this cost with having a child, paying bills etc. So any help towards this would be the most kindest thing ever. I am not one to ask for a hand out like this, but I am so desperately in need of help it can't help to ask the public for help.

Also want to raise funds to buy some copper sheets to try make a faraday tent, and I've also been told to try and work on repairing my liver as this is what is also compromised due to the severity of my EMF sensitivity.

Thank you so much for those who've taken the time to read my story and help me, as well as those of you who've found it in your heart to donate. I will be forever grateful!!

Use of funds

The money will be spent on TRS to help my body detox from the heavy metals in my brain especially now living next to a cell tower I am extremely sensitive to the exposure. Any extra money will go towards buying more to help others as it is expensive.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Oct 2020
I am so sorry for your sensitivity, I have also experienced this in the past too. Stay strong, everything changes and this does not need to be your future. However you need to continue to be brave enough to SPEAK UP about it, as more people need to understand this illness. Sending you much love
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 13 Oct 2020
Stef on 12 Oct 2020
Rhiannon on 12 Oct 2020
All the best x
Frances on 12 Oct 2020
All the best with your healing Lara

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Lara Houghton's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Lara Houghton
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This campaign started on 9 Oct 2020 and ended on 9 Jan 2021.