This page has been created to support Emma and her family with financial stresses and Emma's wellbeing.
Nelson / Tasman
Beautiful wee Emma was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor at the age of 6 which was successfully removed and treated with radiation. Then the unthinkable happened again. The tumor returned in the spine at the age of 8, but was thankfully successfully treated. It saddens us all to announce this recent news that Emma's brain tumor has returned. Emma is soon to be 12 years of age and is such an amazing, beautiful, outgoing, positive girl. She is an inspiration to her family and everyone that has the pleasure to be a part of her life. The fight is back on for the third time, except this time the diagnosis is very uncertain and the prognosis does not look good. You can all imagine what this family has already been and is currently going through. Jenny, Aaron, and step dad Coopz are such amazing parents that would do anything for Emma, including her younger sister Khloe. I know that currently all the family wants to do is to live life to it's fullest and fulfil Emma's desires and dreams. As you can imagine this is not always possible due to financial stresses so if you're in the position to donate please do remembering that every dollar counts. I know they will be so ever grateful. Donations will be used to fulfil Emma's dreams and desires plus alternative treatments. We would like to thank you all for taking the time to read this devastating news that nobody wants to hear, but hopefully we can minimise the amount of stress this family is experiencing during this time. Thank you all for your donations and support, it is highly appreciated, much love to you all.
I'm a very close friend to this family and want to help relief added stress of finances and help Emma's dreams come true.
The donations will be used for fulfilling Emma's desires and dreams, alternative treatments plus financial support.