Support required to get Emma through two years of chemo and radiation for invasive rare brain tumour
A month ago our dear friend, Emma Lange, was diagnosed with an invasive rare brain tumour. Emma is one of life's true originals, an all-round funny lady, Radio Live talkback host, comedy actor, adventurer, lover of life, Lynda Topp's body double in the Topp Twins TV series, and Lady Hunter in Ken's Hunting and Fishing Show. She is 43 years old. Emma's had immediate surgery and is facing two years of heavy duty chemo and radiation. She has been told she is unable to work or even drive.
Unfortunately, Emma's long-term relationship has also broken up. She has no financial back-up and is in urgent need of help.
Emma will use the funds for all living costs and any other costs that may arise whilst having treatment.
I'm involved because Emma is one of the best people I know. She is a true original, wonderfully talented, funny, and way too young to face a terminal illness.