Your contribution will help us replace our beloved EPIC van - please support EPIC supporting young people in CHB!!
Hawke's Bay
Epic has worked tirelessly with young people in CHB for over 11 years - with 6 staff, interns and over 50 volunteers aiming to help kids maximize their potential. Our EPIC van is instantly recognizable - but is now getting quite weary; it has carried kids and youth for over 200,000km worth of fun and games, awesome camps and mentoring adventures, after school activities, Christmas parades, Community Can Drives, school lunch-time activities, college soup kitchens, breakfast clubs, beachdays, Skate clubs, Youth Council events, Bluelight events and much more!!
EPIC is a charitable youth trust, reliant on grants and donations to continue our work, and for the BIG extras like vehicles, we need to think outside the square for fundraising ideas!
If you like what we are doing for our community, or you, your kids or grandkids have enjoyed any of our EPIC activities over the years - we would love you to consider chipping in any amount - big or small towards replacing our van! Thank you
Jackie Lowry - Treasurer on the EPIC youth trust. cc20479
Our programs have become iconic names in our community, that youth enjoy, value and look forward to each week. In the words of Ian Grant: "We're memory makers. We make memories for kids. In a world where good memories are difficult to find, we create memories for the children that will live with them for the rest of their lives"
EPIC Van Target Met!! Congratulations 29 April 2016
Thanks to the awesome generosity of private donors, local sponsors and community gifts, we are thrilled to have been able to purchase our new EPIC van, which is currently undergoing signwriting design..... we look forward to having it on the road in the next couple of weeks!!! :-)
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