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Evangeline Maffey-to The Hague!

  • Scared Scriptless Fundraiser

      28 September 2015
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    On the 25th of September three delegates and I held a Scared Scriptless Fundraiser at Cashmere High School!

    About 150 people turned up to show their support, and it was a night of laughs and drama.

    Special thanks to Couplands for donating vouchers for our raffle and to the Court Theatre for putting on such a good show!

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  • Meeting with the Christchurch City Council

      20 September 2015
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    On the 18th of September, four delegates and I met with the Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel, David Ayers, MP's Nuk Korako, Ruth Dyson and Megan Woods and Councillors to discuss our trip! It was very encouraging to hear their support for us, and their ideas on how to integrate UN Youth and the knowledge we learn at THIMUN into school programs and the youth in Christchurch. A huge thank you to the Christchurch City Council for hosting us!

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  • Newspaper Article

      13 August 2015
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    So exciting news...

    I was tracked down by the local newspaper to have an interview about my involvement in UN Youth which I was stoked about!

    I'm not sure if the picture I attached is very readable so I have put some of my favourite quotes from it here:

    "once I got involved in UN Youth it just swept me up"

    "For me it's mainly about about personal development, building great skills and it gives you a different perspective. It raises your awareness of global issues. I think it is really worthwhile to get involved in these things. It leads to heaps of other avenues. It really opens doors."

    "[UN Youth's] main goals are to give young people a place to voice their views and allow their opinions to be heard. It allows the youth of New Zealand to show what they want. We want to get a wide range of people involved to show the world that young people have something to contribute too."

    It was really fantastic to have another opportunity to talk about UN Youth, and the response by people who know me has been overwhelming.

    Thank you to the STAR newspaper for giving me this media coverage!

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