Everything gone in house fire
Bishopdale, Christchurch
My mother just lost everything due to a house fire at the worst timing possible. No one ever expects to loose everything all at once let alone to a fire! They have no insurance so this will be a very difficult time to get through. They are in desperate need of some help to get the bare minimum so they are able to get back on their feet again after such a tragedy like this! It is definitely not what we needed on Christmas day at all, we know this time of year is tough for everyone, were not just asking for money we know people that would love to help but financially cant so if you have things lying around home such as clothes, shoes, household items such as a bed, drawers, plates and cutlery that are no longer needed and need a new home! Anything will help us get them back on their feet and back in their own house!
I am starting this page for my mother and step father
The money will be spent on getting my parents back on their feet, such as clothes beds house hold items bedding etc