This is a very sad story about how Natalia and Daniel have lost everything they own, in a devastating house fire...
In the early hours of the morning on the 6th of August 2023, Daniel and Natalia's lives were turned upside down. They were sleeping peacefully, when suddenly, at 3am they awoke to find their bedroom on fire! Someone had smashed a molotov cocktail (a bottle with fire) through their bedroom window. It landed by the foot of their bed, and the fire spread extremely quickly onto the mattress and up the curtains.
Daniel and Natalia had seconds to get out of the house in order to survive. Thankfully they got out alive! Unfortunately, Daniel got 1st degree burns on his face and hands while trying to stop the fire. In addition to the psychological trauma experienced, they have also lost all of their belongings. Upon returning from the hospital, they found all of their stuff reduced to ashes. It's extremely heartbreaking and they'll have to start over again from scratch.
Daniel & Natalia have been amazing tenants for the past 4 years. We can't understand how someone could do this! We're extremely heartbroken that they've lost the house that they've called home, and all of their belongings. They will be able to recover some loss through their AA contents insurance. However, we've set up this page in an effort to try help them further, and any donations to help them start over would be very gracefully and gratefully appreciated. All donations will be paid directly into their bank account.
Thank you kindly for your generosity and care 🙏
Natalia & Daniel have been the most amazing tenants for the last 4 years
Natalia and Daniel will use the money donated to rebuild their lives, find a new place to live and start over.
Hi Kris! Thank you so much for your donation. I'm also sad I couldn't say goodbye in person. Thanks for all your wisdom and groovy moments we lived together! Thanks to you I found the kind of dance I love! Keep enjoying life and keep dancing! we'll get together again at some point! Best wishes! Kia ora. Natalia Ortiz
Gracias querida! gracias por la donacion y los buenos deseos, vamos para adelante con toda. Un abrazo y nos veremos en algun momento!
Hola Maria, gracias por tu donacion!
Hi Aileen, thank you so much for your support. We keep strong and going forward! All the best for you and Cyrus :)
Hi Subodh, thank you so much for your support! all the best for you and Ria :)
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