Donate to save Raewyn
Nelson / Tasman
I need your support to fund the cost of cancer treatment. Unfortunately, conventional treatment is not an option for me, having been treated in 2021. My friends and supporters asked me to create this page in hopes to extend my life and see me cancer free with the use of integrative therapy.
The therapy I am seeking is provided by Te Ora Integrative Health and Dr Tim Ewer. Dr Ewer is a highly respected physician and a general practitioner, with 30 years' experience. The treatment starts February 13 and finishes 30 June. It involves Vitamin C infusions and the use of a hyperbaric chamber over a period of two or three months. This treatment has proven successful in both extending lives and, in some cases, curing people of cancer.
"Raewyn is a courageous and kind person, who has been positive throughout her cancer treatment. This page has been set up on her behalf by her friends and supporters. We welcome any donations and have arranged for these to be banked directly into the health providers account, for her treatment."
Due to facial surgery following my previous treatments, I have chosen to share my artwork instead of a profile picture.
Complimentary cancer treatment including vitamin C infusions and two to three months of hyperbaric chamber treatment. The funds raised will go directly to Te Ora Integrated Health Ltd, which she will then be able to use.
Extend Raewyn’s life 31 October 2024
Hi guys I’m hoping to get more treatment from intergrative health I’m pallative but nothings iniment i n fact I’ seem to be an improvement drs are seeing improvement with scans in two weeks my results saying I’m Weller unfortunately chemo wasn’t option but intergrative health is I’m hoping to return to it soon as I can afford thanks everyone supporting me my friends well wishes and genoerosity is truly meaningful and has prompted me incentive to paint and art auction nmit have volunteered support with art works and a space working on that now any donations greatfully accepted appreciated thank you regards raewyn
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