Family in need after Tourist driver crashes into loving Father and provider

$3,095 donated
Given by 56 generous donors in one year

We have set this page up to help out an awesome family who are in dire need of financial help due to a terrible car accident


On Monday 2/12/2019, Anton was driving back from Whitianga where he was picking up some milk and heading back home to Hot Water Beach when a young tourist in a rental campervan came round the corner driving on the wrong side of the road as he had lost his bearings in the dark and hit him head on.. The tourist was taken to the hospital with minor injuries but Anton needed to be cut out of his vehicle and flown with his wife to Auckland Hospital urgently, leaving their two teenage daughters at home, worrying. Anton has multiple surgeries to endure in order to fix his left knee and broken ankle, he has fractured ribs and sternum, a punctured lung and multiple head and body lacerations. He is alive which is the main thing but the family has had so many costs already in the first few days related to this accident and it is putting a huge strain on them financially which they do not need while dealing with everything else health wise. We got the girls up to Auckland and they have a base set up for as long as they need so all I am asking on their behalf is enough to get them through until he is able to return to work which unfortunately may be at least a month but probably more. They have petrol costs, hospital parking costs, food, and the usual bills that don't stop coming in. any little bit would go such a long way for this amazing family that is always there for everyone else.

Tracey Byrne's involvement (page creator)

Debbie and I are best friends of Lynnette's

Use of funds

Funds will be used for day to day living costs while staying up in Auckland away from home, bills, petrol, parking, any ongoing health treatments/physio required to get Anton back on his feet and home again

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Anton's On the Mend  13 December 2019

Thank you to all who have so generously donated to Anton,Lynette, Gaia and Georgia. Anton is mending fast, he has about 10 fractured ribs which are slowly healing, the broken sternum may need more work, we are waiting on xray results still, the ankle will have plates and screws put in on Monday which hopefully will be the last surgery, his lungs are doing well, tube is now out and the knee is healing up well with no infection. he managed to get out of bed and up on a walking machine yesterday which is a huge achievement in such a short time. the pain team have been great at keeping his pain under control. At this stage we still don't have a discharge date so may be at least another week up in Auckland Hospital. I will keep you all posted

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Natalie on 13 Dec 2019
I hope it won't be long before you're back surfing the waves and look forward to seeing your smiling face again someday in Coromandel Town!
Ace on 12 Dec 2019
Another Fisherman
Another Fisherman on 11 Dec 2019
Tina on 10 Dec 2019
Johan on 10 Dec 2019

Who's involved?

Tracey Byrne's avatar
Created by Tracey Byrne
Lynette Hendrikse's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Lynette Hendrikse
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This campaign started on 5 Dec 2019 and ended on 5 Dec 2020.