Family of 10 left homeless with absolutely nothing left 😭

$21,249 donated
Given by 390 generous donors in around 3 months

My brothers and his family lost their family home I'm flames 4 days after burying their mother/nana/mother inlaw.


On Sunday night 12th May 2019 my brother, his wife and their 8 kids family home in papatoetoe went up in flames. They are left with nothing apart from the clothes on their backs. Our family are still I'm shock and are reaching out to any help we can in order for my brother and his family to get back on track who are now left to start from scratch. They just buried their mother, mother inlaw and nana on Wednesday which was already devastating and then this to top it off. They had family from samoa and Australia also in the house when it happened who came to farewell their family member. Any help during this difficult time is much appreciated. God bless you all from our family to yours 😍❤🙏

Crystal Fetalaiga's involvement (page creator)

I am the older sister

Use of funds

The funds will go towards setting a new family home with baby clothes, bond for a new rental property, furniture, kids school uniforms and house hold items. They had no insurance.

Latest donations

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Guest Donor on 17 Jul 2019
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Guest Donor on 10 Jul 2019
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Guest Donor on 02 Jul 2019
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Guest Donor on 21 Jun 2019
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Guest Donor on 31 May 2019
Sending love and prayers to your family

Who's involved?

Crystal Fetalaiga's avatar
Created by Crystal Fetalaiga
Ray Milovale's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Ray Milovale on behalf of Milovale Family
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This campaign started on 13 May 2019 and ended on 13 Aug 2019.