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Fathers Last Chance Government Unfunded Cancer Treatment

  • Time is precious 💜 Waste it wisely

      16 September 2024

    One time I met a man

    Who only had a month to live

    And I asked him if he had

    Any advice that he could give

    He said “I wake each morning

    Knowing I am going to die

    So each day must remind me

    I am blessed to be alive

    You see, my life’s on countdown

    As each hour is unfurled

    I know the clock is ticking

    On my time here in this world

    But what you’re overlooking

    Is that it’s the same for you -

    You know that I am dying

    But forget that you are too

    So make the most of sunshine

    And go dancing in the rain

    And sing a little louder

    When your favourite music plays

    Notice nature’s colours,

    Savour everything you taste

    Stop waiting for tomorrow

    ‘Cause you’ve got no time to waste

    And could you say convincingly

    That you’d have no regrets?

    If just the next few days or weeks

    Were all that you had left?”

    And then my breath caught quickly

    When he turned to me and asked

    “Could you say that you died happy

    If this day had been your last?”

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  • 1st Keytruda infusion

      11 September 2024
    Main image

    Just thought I would update you all on where we are at, at the moment. Jason has had his 1st Keytruda infusion which seemed to go well. We have been told that we only have a maximum of 9 weeks to raise the funds for the ipilimumab drug otherwise it won’t be worth adding it to the mix. So time is of the essence so to speak. We would greatly appreciate it if you would care enough to share our families story. As huge as the amount we need to get this funding we will keep trying, as we know it will make a huge difference. If god forbid we can’t raise the funds needed widths funds received will help greatly with all medical and financial costs for the family of 5.

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