30 years of supporting Kiwis to become parents

$2,060 of $30,000 goal
Given by 29 generous donors in 11 weeks

We support, inform & guide people through the rigours of infertility challenges - and with your help we can do this for a further 30 years.


This year we are commemorating what Fertility NZ has achieved since its inception in 1990. Fertility NZ has supported thousands of people through regional teams of volunteers providing local support, in conjunction with information events and an annual conference.

Fertility NZ has a vision of a ‘fertility friendly’ and fertility-aware New Zealand where:

• Infertility is recognised, understood and supported;

• All New Zealanders faced with the medical condition of infertility have access to appropriate, timely and fully-funded medical treatment;

• People have all the information necessary to enable them to make informed decisions

regarding their fertility;

• Young New Zealanders learn about fertility preservation;

• Fertility and all alternative forms of whanau-building are respected and valued.

Did we support you during your fertility journey? Perhaps your whānau and friends want to do something to help. We are asking our friends and members to pay it forward and help us keep doing our important work by donating $30 (or any other amount!) here. A $30 donation will enable two people to receive Helpline support! A $100 donation will enable seven people to access our Helpline. #30for30


About us

Fertility New Zealand provides support, information and advocacy to anyone facing fertility challenges. To learn more about us, please go to fertilitynz.org.nz.

Use of funds

Fertility NZ operates on a national level and much of its work is undertaken by dedicated volunteers.

Your donation helps us to provide assistance for people with fertility issues across New Zealand.

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Latest donations

Nicky on 24 Nov 2020
Maree on 19 Nov 2020
Claire on 12 Nov 2020
Thanks for all the support Claire and Mike
Alix on 12 Nov 2020
Stuti on 10 Nov 2020

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, FertilityNZ (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 3 Sep 2020 and ended on 24 Nov 2020.